XXiaoA / nvimrc

neovim configuration
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the todo #10

Open matu3ba opened 1 year ago

matu3ba commented 1 year ago
  1. logger.lua - I would recommend plenary, for which I added output customization (the default one is very verbose)
  2. asynctask is redundant to overseer
  3. take a look at my dotfiles for common fugitive things and harpoon. Otherwise check out https://www.youtube.com/@devopstoolbox/videos, which videos are usually of good quality.

your todo is also missing, what use cases the plugins satisfy. generally; YAGNI holds.

XXiaoA commented 1 year ago

@matu3ba Sorry for the late reply. I don't know why I didn't be notified.

asynctask is redundant to overseer

The plugins in todo list are what I will try and (maybe) select one of them. I won't use both of them probably in the future.

As a high-school boarder, I have no much time to configure my nvim until next holiday. And I use nvim to write competitive code only for now. That's why I delay figuring out and configuring fugitive, harpoon. Logger is useless for me for now as well.

Anyway, thanks for your advice.