XaF / TraktForVLC

Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
300 stars 49 forks source link

The installation stucked on Arch Linux #123

Open amiad opened 6 years ago

amiad commented 6 years ago

I downloaded the lastest version and tried to install but it stucked.

$ ./TraktForVLC_2.0.0a2.dev19.g7851368_linux --loglevel DEBUG install
2018-07-04 17:40:25,897::INFO::Searching for VLC binary...
2018-07-04 17:40:25,897::INFO::VLC binary: /usr/bin/vlc
TraktForVLC will be installed for the following configuration:
 - OS: Linux
 - VLC: /usr/bin/vlc
 - VLC configuration: /home/amiad/.config/vlc
 - VLC Lua: /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua
 - VLC Lua interface: /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
 - Service ? No
TraktForVLC is currently installed, replacing the current installed version will call 'uninstall' using the old binary, and 'install' with the new one.
Proceed with installation ? [y/n] y
2018-07-04 17:40:28,473::INFO::Uninstalling currently installed TraktForVLC
2018-07-04 17:40:28,474::DEBUG::Running command: /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua/trakt_helper --logformat UNINSTALL::%(levelname)s::%(message)s --loglevel DEBUG uninstall --vlc /usr/bin/vlc --vlc-lua-directory /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua --vlc-config-directory /home/amiad/.config/vlc --yes
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::VLC binary: /usr/bin/vlc
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Searching for the files to remove in /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Searching for the files to remove in /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Setting up VLC not to use trakt's interface
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::Running command: /usr/bin/vlc -I luaintf --lua-intf trakt --lua-config trakt={autostart=\"disable\"}
2018-07-04 17:40:28,827::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::No need to change the user
2018-07-04 17:40:28,869::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::[000055674bef6da0] [cli] lua interface: Listening on host "*console".
2018-07-04 17:40:28,869::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::VLC media player 3.0.3 Vetinari
2018-07-04 17:40:28,869::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::Command Line Interface initialized. Type `help' for help.
2018-07-04 17:40:28,869::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::> [000055674be00140] main playlist: playlist is empty
2018-07-04 17:40:28,871::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::[000055674beff5b0] [trakt] lua interface error: Error loading script /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: /home/amiad/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: version mismatch in precompiled chunk

OS: Arch Linux VLC: 3.0.3 TraktForVlc: 2.0.0a2.dev19.g7851368_linux

suhancz commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue on Fedora 28, VLC 3.0.4-3:

$ ./TraktForVLC_2.0.0a2.dev19.g7851368_linux --loglevel DEBUG install
2018-10-22 00:08:18,636::INFO::Searching for VLC binary...
2018-10-22 00:08:18,637::INFO::VLC binary: /usr/bin/vlc
TraktForVLC will be installed for the following configuration:
 - OS: Linux
 - VLC: /usr/bin/vlc
 - VLC configuration: /home/sha/.config/vlc
 - VLC Lua: /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua
 - VLC Lua interface: /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
 - Service ? No
Proceed with installation ? [y/n] y
2018-10-22 00:08:20,668::INFO::Creating directory (and parents): /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
2018-10-22 00:08:20,668::INFO::Copying helper (trakt_helper) to /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua
2018-10-22 00:08:20,677::INFO::Copying trakt.luac to /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
2018-10-22 00:08:20,677::INFO::Setting up VLC to automatically use trakt's interface
2018-10-22 00:08:20,677::DEBUG::Running command: /usr/bin/vlc -I luaintf --lua-intf trakt --lua-config trakt={autostart=\"enable\"}
2018-10-22 00:08:20,677::DEBUG::No need to change the user
2018-10-22 00:08:20,709::DEBUG::[000055d3b01a60d0] main playlist: playlist is empty
2018-10-22 00:08:20,710::DEBUG::[000055d3b025bd90] [trakt] lua interface error: Error loading script /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: /home/sha/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: version mismatch in precompiled chunk
sveatlo commented 5 years ago

Same error here. Any updates on this issue?

OS: x86_64 Linux 4.19.12-arch1-1-ARCH VLC info: VLC media player 3.0.4 Vetinari (revision 3.0.4-0-gf615db6332) TraktForVLC: 2.0.0a2.dev19.g7851368_linux

./TraktForVLC_2.0.0a2.dev19.g7851368_linux --loglevel DEBUG install
2018-12-30 13:38:35,604::INFO::Searching for VLC binary...
2018-12-30 13:38:35,604::INFO::VLC binary: /usr/bin/vlc
TraktForVLC will be installed for the following configuration:
 - OS: Linux
 - VLC: /usr/bin/vlc
 - VLC configuration: /home/sveatlo/.config/vlc
 - VLC Lua: /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua
 - VLC Lua interface: /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
 - Service ? No
TraktForVLC is currently installed, replacing the current installed version will call 'uninstall' using the old binary, and 'install' with the new one.
Proceed with installation ? [y/n] y
2018-12-30 13:38:38,209::INFO::Uninstalling currently installed TraktForVLC
2018-12-30 13:38:38,210::DEBUG::Running command: /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua/trakt_helper --logformat UNINSTALL::%(levelname)s::%(message)s --loglevel DEBUG uninstall --vlc /usr/bin/vlc --vlc-lua-directory /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua --vlc-config-directory /home/sveatlo/.config/vlc --yes
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::VLC binary: /usr/bin/vlc
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Searching for the files to remove in /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Searching for the files to remove in /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::INFO::Setting up VLC not to use trakt's interface
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::Running command: /usr/bin/vlc -I luaintf --lua-intf trakt --lua-config trakt={autostart=\"disable\"}
2018-12-30 13:38:38,499::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::No need to change the user
2018-12-30 13:38:38,562::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::[000055732f1f9640] [http] lua interface: Lua HTTP interface
2018-12-30 13:38:38,563::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::[000055732f1074d0] main playlist: playlist is empty
2018-12-30 13:38:38,563::INFO::UNINSTALL::DEBUG::[000055732f205a90] [trakt] lua interface error: Error loading script /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: /home/sveatlo/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf/trakt.luac: version mismatch in precompiled chunk
rafaelgomesxyz commented 5 years ago

No news? This is the same issue as #108.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 5 years ago

The same issue happens when trying to uninstall it.

I used the command from https://github.com/XaF/TraktForVLC/issues/108#issuecomment-386756203 (as seen below) and replaced the trakt.luac file from ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/intf with the output file, which allowed me to uninstall it with no issues.

vlc -I luaintf --lua-intf luac --lua-config "luac={input='trakt.lua',output='trakt.luac'}"

The problem is that the installation script replaces the file again, leading back to the same failure.

So, @XaF, perhaps you can use this info to fix it? The problem seems to be in the trakt.luac file that the installation script is generating.