XaF / TraktForVLC

Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
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Trakt_helper process running but not scrobbling #124

Open nduriez opened 6 years ago

nduriez commented 6 years ago

Hi, i'm on Windows 10, VLC 3.03 and last version of TraktForVLC. The automated installation say it installed successfully and i see a TraktForVLC process running in my Task Manager, but nothing scrobble and when i open VLC log console, i don't see any message about TraktforVLC

I'm not sure if this is the right log thing but i opened VLC through trakt_helper.exe runvlc i then opened a movie and closed after a bit and here's the log i got into the console : [trakt] lua interface: TraktForVLC 2.0.0a2.dev19+g7851368 - Lua implementation [trakt] lua interface: helper: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\trakt_helper.exe [trakt] main interface error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer [trakt] lua interface: No update found for TraktForVLC. [trakt] main interface error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer [trakt] lua interface error: Error loading script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\intf\trakt.luac: trakt.lua:315: attempt to call field 'debug' (a nil value)