XaF / TraktForVLC

Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
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installing TraktForVLC in Windows 7 32bit fails #126

Open lloydstoltz opened 6 years ago

lloydstoltz commented 6 years ago

Installing the TraktForVLC in Windows 7 fails, I tried the guide on the web page but that didn't help at all. And some steps is difficult to understand, like "To restart the initial configuration process manually, the following command might be used: ./TraktForVLC_version_os init_trakt_auth" but I don't know how to do this.

I noticed after I enabled the log in VLC then the installer failed, so tracking logs is limited. And once the installation is done then VLC only shows a picture and the message to authorize your device with your account doesn't appear.

And I also installed the Python program.

I created a screencapture, vlc log and system info. When I uninstalled VLC I used Revo Uninstaller Pro.

screencapture: (with log enabled) https://www.dropbox.com/s/axywrdp57p6p6c4/install_TraktForVLC.wmv?dl=0 (no log) https://www.dropbox.com/s/oa4eiga8li00356/install_TraktForVLC_no_log.wmv?dl=0

vlc log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7n0hgwqcppvtij/vlc_log?dl=0

system info: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs9prkeg7tautph/DxDiag.txt?dl=0

Best Regards, Lloyd

XaF commented 6 years ago


Can you try opening a console as administrator, and running the installation process manually in debug mode?

.\path\to\TraktForVLC_xxx.exe --debug install
lloydstoltz commented 6 years ago


Sure, here is the output in the CMD Prompt:


Best Regards, Lloyd

XaF commented 6 years ago

Well, this seems to have worked properly. Wondering if the issue was that you had VLC open at the previous run?

lloydstoltz commented 6 years ago


I uninstalled VLC again and restarted the PC then did a screencapture again and installed from the command line with the " --debug install" command. From all the logs in the output I couldn't capture all the logs but this time around during the installer VLC opened and didn't do much then I click on the play button (assuming nothing happened) then it looked like a loop occurring, please view the screencapture.

screencapture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0uceyceapq6pxxm/install_TraktForVLC_install_from_cmd_line.wmv?dl=0

cmd log output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bd5b58vdfa6lrfn/Install_by_command_line_2.txt?dl=0

Best Regards, Lloyd

lloydstoltz commented 6 years ago


Very interesting this morning I opened a movie file and then I saw the big message with the activation link: 2018-08-13_123434

I didn't change anything since the last install (or previous comment).

Best Regards, Lloyd