XaF / TraktForVLC

Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
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Stopping Trakt for VLC when not watching anything? #142

Closed GiacomoLaw closed 5 years ago

GiacomoLaw commented 5 years ago

My PC == potato. Therefore, is there any way to automatically stop the process when VLC isn't open, and start it when it is?


glensc commented 5 years ago

do you even understand yourself what are you asking?

GiacomoLaw commented 5 years ago

Yes - when I close VLC, the plugin still ran when it was actually working...

XaF commented 5 years ago

The process does not do anything when VLC is not running. The process is a local server that's only there to listen to requests, and respond to them. If there is no request... It is thus just idling and shouldn't consume much. It is not possible on Windows to go a different way than having that process running, given that if I tried doing it like I did for linux and macos, you would get a window poping on and off every minute (thanks Windows)

GiacomoLaw commented 5 years ago

Great, thank you!