XaF / TraktForVLC

Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
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VLC doesn't give me any link or code to connect to my Trakt account #146

Open eggmanance opened 3 years ago

eggmanance commented 3 years ago

Hi there, first time using Python so I'm probably making a basic mistake

  1. I downloaded python and installed it
  2. I downloaded the latest version of TraktforVLC
  3. I run TraktforVlc as administrator, a window pops up asking if i want to install I type "y",
  4. The window gives me this message "A VLC window will open, please follow the instructions that will appear in that window: go to the provided link and enter the given code, then wait patiently as TraktForVLC is configured to get access to your account."
  5. The link or code never appears, the only thing that pops up in VLC is the following:


What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance

edit: I'm using Windows10