Xabaril / AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks

Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
Apache License 2.0
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V7 Series Release! #1593

Closed sungam3r closed 11 months ago

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

So far all projects and CI/CD pipelines have been updated to use the latest-and-greatest .NET7. A lot of dependencies were changed to the latest versions, i.e. bumping major versions.

Pain points:

For now we can release preview versions of all packages listed in that repo and collect feedback.

This issue is pinned to take addition attention from community. ping @carlosrecuero @unaizorrilla

Comments are appreciated!


sungam3r commented 1 year ago

It will also be great to get proposals about what issues should be included in V7 milestone.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

@carlosrecuero @unaizorrilla I looked through all the open PRs and asked their authors to update them pulling changes from master. Some of PRs have already passed review. Help in UI/docker/K8s stuff is appreciated.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

All 7.0.0-preview packages have been published. Example - https://www.nuget.org/packages/AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI/7.0.0-rc2.6

lkurzyniec commented 1 year ago

Are you gonna to upgrade version of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient to the newest stable version 5.1.0 in this release? WhiteSource is rising vulnerability issue related to that dependency (https://github.com/lkurzyniec/netcore-boilerplate/issues/100).

sungam3r commented 1 year ago


lkurzyniec commented 1 year ago

Any ETA for this one?

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Nope. I'm not the "core repo maintainer" and I'm still waiting feedback. @carlosrecuero @CarlosLanderas and @unaizorrilla are. Honestly, I have not received feedback from them for that repo for a very long time. Techically I can make a release at any time - it's just 2 clicks to set release-all-7.0.0 tag.

Why didn't I make a release yet? See pain points in my initial comment. I do not use 100% of this repo. Actually I even do not know how it works, I have never tried to start UI bits, open dashboards, dive into databases integration, etc. I don’t know if everything works there after the changes made.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Rel: #1714

unaizorrilla commented 1 year ago

I’m trying to find some time to get up de UI next week…

You can release v7 package for health checks, no the UI?

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I configured CI in such a way that we can publish packages one by one or all packages in the same time. I would just wait.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Also please pay attention to #1712.

marioleed commented 1 year ago

Could we start realeasing V7 versions of the packages that don't have an issue?

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

that don't have an issue

What issue?

marioleed commented 1 year ago

I'm referring to the "pain points" you mentioned in a previous comment and also if there are any issues (tasks) preventing packages from being released.

Pain points:

UI projects, CI for UI does not call dotnet test Docker/K8S stuff - it all needs review KubernetesClient nuget package is very old - v4.0.26 (09.04.2021) vs 10.0.1 on nuget.org A lot of pending/abandoned PRs without feedback. Many of them look good and I would merge them before v7 release. Of course after resolving conflicts and review.

Then regarding to @unaizorrilla's comment:

You can release v7 package for health checks, no the UI?

And your response:

I configured CI in such a way that we can publish packages one by one or all packages in the same time. I would just wait.

Given above; could we start realeasing V7 versions of the packages that don't have an issue?

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Technically yes, but I think it will raise questions from consumers rather quickly if they find themselves with mix from v7 and v6 packages. I'm 50/50 here honestly.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Hi all. Since the lack of feedback from core repo maintainers for more than 6 months I'll publish v7 release in coming days (despite the aforementioned problems) after I see the accumulated mail. The plan is to solve problems with v7 release as they appear.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Heads up! For all devs interested in v7 - if you have proposals for making changes to v7, now it's time to say about it or/and post PRs / revive existing ones, because after the release I will not be inclined to make backward incompatible changes for some (potentially long) time. I think that in the absence of significant proposals, the release will be published at the end of this week.

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

@cieciurm What is your plan about reviving PRs? I'm glad you move things on. Can you outline the boundaries of this process so that it is clear how much more time is it before the release of v7? I'm fine review/merge as much as possible, just want to know ETA.

cieciurm commented 1 year ago

I can't see more PR "to be revived". I revived all that had label "needs confirmation". Currently there are no pending - see link

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

So... PRs left to merge in v7:

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

@cieciurm I added "needs confirmation" label on 3 more PRs. Also you can look into other PRs mentioned above.

cieciurm commented 1 year ago

I can look into those 3 labeled next week - I can't promise more (this week I was able to work on 3 as well).

So the ETA is next Friday 14th of July :)

cieciurm commented 1 year ago

I can see a progress in terms of closing hanging PR-s 🎉 !

I see we have just a couple of them left. I can't really help with the Docker one, since I'm no expert. Also the RabbitMQ is mentioned as maybe.

@sungam3r what is your opinion on the next steps before V7 release?

Should we try to close all from the list you have pasted above?

We also have 9 issues labeled as "Up for grabs", but not sure if we wanna extend the scope?

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

I use up-for-grabs tag for easy tasks (easy in my opinion) so anyone can accomplish them. I would like to deal with all issues from my comment above and not interfere with up-for-grabs issues. But I'm fine to go another way and try to deal with those 9 issues. Of course at the cost of additional time. I have no much time these days because of household chores.

cieciurm commented 1 year ago

So... PRs left to merge in v7:

  1. [DONE] Add overload to AddAzureBlobStorage to supply your own BlobServiceClient from delegate #1845
  2. [DONE] Added MySQL HealthChecks Query and Callback support. #1835
  3. [DONE] Less allocations in HealthChecks.Network #1814
  4. [DONE] Allow to add config.json to docker #1716 (maybe)
  5. [DONE] add RequestTimeout as option for RavenDB healthcheck #1707
  6. [TO DO] Add ClickHouse DataBase HealthCheck #1660
  7. [DONE] Allow healthchecking multiple RabbitMQ connections #1659 (maybe)
  8. [DONE] Bump bumpalo from 3.2.1 to 3.12.0 in /deploy/operator/installer #1648
  9. [DONE] Fix bug with regression of datetime string in OnStateFrom column in UI #836
  10. [DONE] Feature/support azure appinsights #740
  11. [DONE] Fix should_return_too_many_requests_status_using_default_server_max_active_requests flaky test #1882

So to sum up:

Let's keep coding 🤘🏻 😄

sungam3r commented 1 year ago

Also #1869

sungam3r commented 12 months ago

Issues left

cieciurm commented 12 months ago

Issues left

I see that you have the first one covered (PR in-progress). The second one is something Docker specific, which I don't fully understand and have no clue, how to approach.

So - almost there 🎉 🎊 😄

sungam3r commented 12 months ago

Anyone, help with #1716 is appreciated.

sungam3r commented 12 months ago

I want to briefly sort out pending issues before v7 release, 93 left.

sungam3r commented 12 months ago

Also I decided skip #1660 and handle it later.

sungam3r commented 11 months ago


@cieciurm You may take case of #1943 if you want.

I want to briefly sort out pending issues before v7 release, 93 left.

Done. I think we are ready to release v7 after merging aforementioned 2 PRs.

cieciurm commented 11 months ago

Because you've pinged the original author in the PR, let's wait until end of Tuesday (August 1st). If it's not adjusted, I'll do it myself :shipit:

sungam3r commented 11 months ago



sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 1]

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 2]

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 2]

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 3]

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 4]

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

What's Changed [part 5]

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks/commits/release-all-7.0.0

sungam3r commented 11 months ago

Thanks to all participants!

cmeeren commented 11 months ago

Could you highlight the breaking changes (assuming there are some since the major version was bumped)? I need to make sure I can safely update, and searching the lists above for "breaking" did not give any relevant results.

NielsPilgaard commented 11 months ago

The major version was bumped to stay consistent with dotnet versioning, there have been no breaking changes to my knowledge.

That being said, if you're using dotnet 6 I recommend waiting for #1980 to be merged, before you update to v7

cmeeren commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the clarification! Using .NET 7, so I'll go ahead and update.