Open MaxiPigna opened 5 months ago
Given this source code
builder.Services.AddHealthChecks() .AddAzureCosmosDB(optionsFactory: static (sp) => { CosmosDbOptions cosmosConfig = sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<CosmosDbOptions>>().Value; return new AzureCosmosDbHealthCheckOptions { DatabaseId = cosmosConfig.DatabaseName, ContainerIds = [Constants.ConversationContainerName] }; }, tags: ["Database"], timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))
It works most of the time, but sometimes I find exception like this in the log, why?
I think it's weird I get a timeout exception, while Cosmos replied 200 OK in the expected time.
Did you ever find out what the cause of this was? I'm experiencing similar exceptions
Nope 😢
Given this source code
It works most of the time, but sometimes I find exception like this in the log, why?
I think it's weird I get a timeout exception, while Cosmos replied 200 OK in the expected time.