Xabaril / BeatPulse

Liveness, health check library for ASP.NET Core Applications
Apache License 2.0
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Liveness checkers logs connection string #107

Open opolsen opened 5 years ago

opolsen commented 5 years ago

Some of the liveness checkers, such as SqlServer, MySql, NpgSql and other database checkers, log their connection string in the IsHealthy method.

This is a bit unfortunate, since it contains the password to the database, which is not always something you want in your logs.

It is possible to prevent this by changing the log level for the BeatPulse namespace in the application, but this can also be a bit challenging because the log level used to log the connection string is different across the various checkers. See #106 for more info on this.

Some of the checkers (such as SqlServer) log the connection string as Warning when it fails, so to prevent that you would essentially have to disable all logging from BeatPulse above the Error level.

Do you have any other suggestions on how to prevent logging the connection string password when running these checkers?

My suggestion would be to not log the connection string at all. I can see why it might be useful for some users, but I prefer security over convenience in this case.

Bragalund commented 5 years ago

Had to disable all logging from BeatPulse namespace because of this. Please fix.