Xahau / xahaud

Codebase for Xahaud - The consensus, RPC & blockchain app for the Xahau network.
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Touch amendment #294

Open RichardAH opened 3 months ago

RichardAH commented 3 months ago

An amendment to ensure that all accounts that are affected or could be affected by a txn appear in the txn metadata, akin to the touch command in *nix systems.



High Level Overview of Change

Context of Change

Type of Change

API Impact

dangell7 commented 1 month ago

Because the new field TouchCounter doesnt exist and is optional the first update leaves us with an empty json PreviousFields.

This occurs here. I dont believe we need do anything I just wanted to notate it.

    "ModifiedNode" : 
        "FinalFields" : 
            "Account" : "rPMh7Pi9ct699iZUTWaytJUoHcJ7cgyziK",
            "AccountIndex" : "1",
            "Balance" : "997999990",
            "Flags" : 41943040,
            "OwnerCount" : 1,
            "Sequence" : 3,
            "TouchCount" : "1"
        "LedgerEntryType" : "AccountRoot",
        "LedgerIndex" : "DE3BE7FDF6864FB024807B36BFCB4607E7CDA7D4C155C7AFB4B0973D638938BF",
        "PreviousFields" : {}
dangell7 commented 1 month ago

For Reviewers:

When a trustline is frozen it updates the TouchCount for the account that has the trustline. This didn't occur previously.

This was one of the only locations where the number of affected nodes is tested. This change does mean that every TSH will get a TouchCount update which may add txns to their account_tx stream which they may or may not understand.