Xanadu16 / City3

TS (TorqueScript) City³
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Open Xanadu16 opened 11 years ago

Xanadu16 commented 11 years ago

Ignore this, the client is "required" for these functions.

However this still needs to be referenced for other things.

/setalias X - Sets your alias, works only when your alias is "John Doe" (which the server sets as your default alias to prevent issues when speaking before you set your alias).

/groups - Lists groups. /joingroup X (group ID, shown in /groups), joins the group immediately if it is not a private group, if it is a private group, tells you you need to be invited to join. If it is a secret society OR the group ID does not exist, it'll tell you "This group does not exist... or DOES it?" /groupmembers X - Lists members of a group if it is not private, will still list the group's members if you are in the group. /inventory - lists your on hand items from slots 1-3. /backpack - lists your backpack items from slots 1-3. /swapitems X Y - swaps slot X with slot Y referencing the above two commands. /withdrawmoney X - Takes money out your wallet, changing it into a holdable item. Left clicking while holding it will put it in your wallet.

/groupadmin - lists group admin commands if you own a group. /expel X (Alias) - expels (kicks) them from the group and does not allow them back in. /invite X (Alias) - invites to group. /disbandgroup - /ireallywanttodothis confirms the group to be deleted. /no cancels it.

/cityadmin - lists city admin commands. /renamecity X - self explanatory. /taxrate X - changes tax rate, only 0-100 is accepted. /toggletrading - Turns trading ON/OFF. /toggletourism - Turns tourism ON/OFF.