Error-correction and error-mitigation are important necessities for leveraging the power of quantum computing. This is especially true in the current era where publicly available quantum computing devices can still be very noisy, especially for longer computations.
The goal of this project is to use QML methods in order to "protect" a quantum circuit from noise. This could entail multiple options:
learning which qubits in a circuit are the most noisy, and learning to minimize the number of computational steps that rely on those bad qubits
using optimization or machine learning techniques (e.g., quantum autoencoders) to uncover error-correcting codes or decoherence-free subspaces which can be used to minimize the effect of noise
What will you make?
Code which demonstrates the idea and the final learned error correction/mitigation strategy. If the idea has scientific potential, maybe a 1-2 page draft paper abstract could be created.
Helpful skills
Expertise in quantum algorithms
Understanding of quantum error-correction
Machine learning experience
Team members
Any confirmed members of the team should be listed here. This lets others know what opportunities are still available.
For best results, include github and slack usernames for the team members.
- Team member 1 - @yourgithubname - yourslackname
- Team member 2 - @theirgithubname - theirslackname
GitHub repo
Set up your hackathon project with its own GitHub repo and link it here for the judges.
The pitch
Error-correction and error-mitigation are important necessities for leveraging the power of quantum computing. This is especially true in the current era where publicly available quantum computing devices can still be very noisy, especially for longer computations.
The goal of this project is to use QML methods in order to "protect" a quantum circuit from noise. This could entail multiple options:
What will you make?
Code which demonstrates the idea and the final learned error correction/mitigation strategy. If the idea has scientific potential, maybe a 1-2 page draft paper abstract could be created.
Helpful skills
Team members
Any confirmed members of the team should be listed here. This lets others know what opportunities are still available.
For best results, include github and slack usernames for the team members.
GitHub repo
Set up your hackathon project with its own GitHub repo and link it here for the judges.