XanaduAI / QHack2021

Official repo for QHack—the quantum machine learning hackathon
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[ENTRY] QAOA Optimized Maxcut Problem Used in Device Tracking — Examples in Vehicle Connection and 5G Area #26

Open leo07010 opened 3 years ago

leo07010 commented 3 years ago

Team Name:

Taiwanese High School Student

Project Description:

Our task is composed of 4 small tasks: sensor allocation, vehicle positioning , data synchronization and Simulate vehicle movement.

  1. Sensor distribution: Use MAXCUT to allocate sensors, and achieve an approximate solution to the MAXCUT problem through the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA).

    1. Car location: Use the sensors that have been allocated (subtask 1) to locate the vehicle. This method is equivalent to the minimization of the quadratic function.

    2. Data synchronization: Define the route from the server to many locations and back to the server. We use the QAOQ algorithm to obtain its Ising Hamiltonian eigenstates.

    3. Add a movement instruction to the function of the yellow dot (car)


      https://1drv.ms/p/s!AlWkfUhLa3QogiVw0Kk-PjlrlUWv image

      Source code:



Resource Estimate: Since we do not have Floq to provide free simulator access and QISKIT's high-level access to the county, we need to spend resources to test the final results on AWS real quantum equipment (Rigetti Aspen-8). We will run eight qubit circuits in parallel on directly connected qubits to achieve the maximum simulation value.

250 USD will be used for the existing optimized QAQA algorithm ,cand hange the behavior of task 4 to quantum random walk.

500 USD is used to build new car models with different parameters, such as judging ambulances and trains .

1000 USD is used to expand 2-D to 3-D space, because of the addition of a Z axis, the simulation time is at least 3 times longer.

2000 USD dollars for extracting images for 10 seconds, extracting one film in 10 seconds 760*10=7600, a total of 5 pictures totaling 38,000 photos .

The remaining 250 USD is used as emergency reserve.

Video Link


leo07010 commented 3 years ago

I haven't finished!!

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the submission @leo07010! :fireworks: You can update your submission still, no problem

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

If your team would like to be considered for the additional Power Up of $4000 in AWS credits, you should mark it as [Power Up] in the title, and also include a Resource Estimate section in the description. The more information you can provide about how you would use the Power Up (if you are submitting for that), the better it can help us assess the submission. For reference, here is the description about Resource Estimates:

Resource Estimate:

A 1-2 paragraph written Resource Estimate, indicating how you expect to use the additional AWS credits, if awarded, to finish your Open Hackathon project.

leo07010 commented 3 years ago


leo07010 commented 3 years ago

We finished the project

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks @leo07010! Good luck with your submission :slightly_smiling_face:

leo07010 commented 3 years ago


co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the submission! We hope you have enjoyed participating in QHack :smiley:

We will be assessing the entries and contacting the winners separately. Winners will be publicly announced sometime in the next month.

We will also be freezing the GitHub repo as we sort through the submitted projects, so you will not be able to update this submission.