XanaduAI / QHack2021

Official repo for QHack—the quantum machine learning hackathon
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[ENTRY] Cartpole-v1 Quantum Reinforcement Learning #59

Open kkcore opened 3 years ago

kkcore commented 3 years ago

Team Name:


Project Description:

Our team have tried to solve CartPole-v1 challenge that is described here. It’s reinforcement learning problem that is controlled of two actions – applying a force +1 or -1 to the cart. We have based our solution on reinforcement learning tutorial for neural network and variational quantum circuit that was created for Frozen Lake problem. We have tried to create and use quantum circuit with 1 qubit like in quantum_circuit_200 from QML Challenge. Our project has failed, because the quantum circuit for Frozen Lake problem didn't learn and we didn't have time to develop 1 qubit circuit properly. In the future we would want to try solutions that are described in this work. Files that beginning with word "Cartpole" are especially important in our repository rest of files are scripts that we've used from other works.


We didn't do presentation, because we've been trying to make our project work which failed.

Source code:


co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the submission! We hope you have enjoyed participating in QHack :smiley:

We will be assessing the entries and contacting the winners separately. Winners will be publicly announced sometime in the next month.

We will also be freezing the GitHub repo as we sort through the submitted projects, so you will not be able to update this submission.