XanaduAI / QHack2021

Official repo for QHack—the quantum machine learning hackathon
121 stars 94 forks source link

[ENTRY] GMODuck: Using a genetic algorithm to build and optimize QML circuits #9

Open diogodebastos opened 3 years ago

diogodebastos commented 3 years ago

Team Name:


Project Description:

A genetically modified yellow quantum 🦆 who is competing in QHack 2021 Open Hackathon. This 🦆 is capable of building QML circuits using genetic programming without having any idea why his model works but he assures it's the best.

GMO🦆 creates the best QML circuit to classify a simple dataset of blue and orange points in a 2D grid:

  1. Create a genome that translates into a quantum circuit - different genes, encode different gates/templates
  2. Randomly generate agents (agents are quantum circuits)
  3. Train all agents and use area under ROC as fitness
  4. Do "natural selection", cross between agents to create offspring and randomly mutate agents
  5. Repeat for some generations until 🦆 has a satisfying classifier


Jupyter qhackbook

Source code:


co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks @diogodebastos for the submission!

If you'd like to be considered for a Power Up, you'll also have to submit a separate issue on this same repo, but with the "Power Up" template (it has slightly different sections to fill out)

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the submission! We hope you have enjoyed participating in QHack :smiley:

We will be assessing the entries and contacting the winners separately. Winners will be publicly announced sometime in the next month.

We will also be freezing the GitHub repo as we sort through the submitted projects, so you will not be able to update this submission.