XanaduAI / QHack2022

QHack—The one-of-a-kind quantum computing hackathon
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Vehicle Routing Problem using QAOA #108

Open Amey-2002 opened 2 years ago

Amey-2002 commented 2 years ago

Team Name:


Project Description:

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem which asks "What is the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse in order to deliver to a given set of customers?". This optimization can be solved using variational circuits, especially the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. In this project, a sample of VRP problem is solved using the QAOA approach in Qiskit.



Source code:


Which challenges/prizes would you like to submit your project for?

IBM Qiskit Challenge Hybrid Algorithms Challenge QAOA challenge Young Scientist challenge

isaacdevlugt commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your submission! There's still time to populate your submission with code, presentation material, etc. Please make any final adjustments before the deadline tonight at 17h00 EST!

Good luck!