XanaduAI / QHack2022

QHack—The one-of-a-kind quantum computing hackathon
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Our take on factoring integers using VQE #92

Open Anand270294 opened 2 years ago

Anand270294 commented 2 years ago

Team Name:

Unknown Intelligence

Sam Yong Jek Anand

Project Description:

One of the most well known quantum algorithm is Shor's Algorithm which utilizes period-finding to find a single factor of a integer, here is our take on factoring integers using a quantum computer via VQE. We created a method to generate a Hamiltonian of a number such that the eigenvalue that is 0 will have an associate eigenvector that would describe the composite nature of that number.



Source code:


Which challenges/prizes would you like to submit your project for?

IBM Qiskit Challenge Google Quantum AI Research Challenge Hybrid Algorithms Challenge QAOA Challenge Science Challenge

isaacdevlugt commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your submission! There's still time to populate your submission with code, presentation material, etc. Please make any final adjustments before the deadline tonight at 17h00 EST!

Good luck!

Anand270294 commented 2 years ago

Thanks :)