XanaduAI / QHack2023

QHack 2023
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[Pennylane_Gang] PowerUp application #35

Open bart-q opened 1 year ago

bart-q commented 1 year ago

Project Name: Quantum Chemistry simulation

Team Name: PennyLane Gang

Which challenges would you like to submit your project for?

Power-Up plan and project description: For this project we plan to first classically simulate the BeH2 Molecule’s ground state using as large an active space as possible (which will require exponentially higher classical computing resources as the number of qubits and fidelity increases).The VQE for this part of the project will be simulated using both noiseless and noisy simulators in order to test the effect of various error mitigation strategies. However, as the number of qubits increases our personal computers will grow less and less effective.

Based on our initial VQE implementations using Qiskit and Pennylane 9-14 qubits will be needed depending on the simplifications we can make to the hamiltonian, such as the 2-qubit reduction. Implementing this on IBM or other devices available via amazon bracket will let us find the optimal fidelity-runtime tradeoff, considering the active space and fidelity of our simulation. We would also be able to test our error mitigation strategies using actual (non-simulated) noise on the quantum processors. This would let us characterize the VQE process on multiple devices and compare runtime to fidelity.

Project Link: https://github.com/bart-q/QHack2023-PennylaneGang/commit/92ae40f9681c3bb734613d459ace86dd3ac2fe68

We allow Xanadu Quantum Technologies to share our email addresses with the Power-Up Sponsors for the purpose of facilitating the delivery of the Power-Ups. YES

(If applying for AWS’s credits) We have an AWS account, the ID is: YES

KetpuntoG commented 1 year ago

Please don't forget to link to the latest commit instead of the main branch, as shown in the video in the ReadMe of this repo. On the other hand, answering yes is enough. We do not need the ID