XanaduAI / flamingpy

FlamingPy is a cross-platform Python library with a variety of backends for efficient simulations of error correction in fault-tolerant quantum computers.
Apache License 2.0
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Change scope of `docformatter` and `black` 👁️ #66

Closed soosub closed 2 years ago

soosub commented 2 years ago

This issue has been tagged for a bounty during unitaryHACK.


  1. Include all Python files in this repository to be checked by docformatter
  2. Include the doc directory in the scope of the black formatter.


Currently, we only check some .py files, namely flamingpy/*/*.py, with docformatter whereas it makes sense to check all Python files, including test files and files like setup.py. This will improve the quality of the docstrings and the code in general, making it easier to use and develop.

For part 1 of the task, you effectively have to change python -m docformatter --in-place flamingpy/*/*.py to python -m docformatter --in-place **.py in the CI checks. For part 2, make sure this does not break doc workflows!


To work on this task, simply fork the repository. Please also comment in this thread to communicate that you are working on this issue. Once ready, you can open a PR that we will review and hopefully merge making you an official FlamingPy contributor 🔥 🥧

Good luck 🍀

- Joost

WingCode commented 2 years ago

@soosub I would like to work on this issue. Could you kindly assign it to me?

ilan-tz commented 2 years ago

@WingCode since this is a unitaryHACK issue we won't be assigning it, but we see your PR, so thanks for that!