XanaduAI / thewalrus

A library for the calculation of hafnians, Hermite polynomials and Gaussian boson sampling.
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Instability in quantum.probabilities #213

Closed Marsll closed 3 years ago

Marsll commented 3 years ago

Issue description

Description of the issue: When using the function quantum.probabilities, I found that for some input parameters, the photon statistics probability vector is not even close to being normalized to unity. The issue is not due to an insufficient cutoff. Find a screenshot below for the output of probabilities for a single-mode displaced squeezed state vs a coherent state image

Here, while the output of probabilities for a coherent state is as expected, the output for the squeezed state with the same displacement is off. In particular, this behavior seems to be very much dependent on the parameters of squeezing/displacement amplitude.

Source code and tracebacks

Here, I will simply paste the code that I used to get the above plot. The parameters entering are basically the squeezing degree r and the complex displacement amplitude alpha which consists of an absolute value alpha_abs and a phase theta. I have played around with these parameters and for most of these, the output of probabilities seems just fine.

# coding: utf-8

# In[3]:

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from thewalrus.quantum import probabilities

# In[14]:

# Single mode with displacement of alpha
alpha_abs = np.sqrt(50)
theta = 1.1780972450961724
alpha = alpha_abs * np.exp(1j * theta)

# Vector of means of length 2
mu = np.sqrt(2) * np.array([alpha.real, alpha.imag])

# Covariance matrix of squeezed state
rs = np.array([0.5])
S = block_diag(np.diag(np.exp(rs)), np.diag(np.exp(-rs))) 

cov = 0.5 * S @ S.T

cutoff = 100

probs_displaced_squeezed = probabilities(mu, cov, cutoff, hbar=1.0)
print(f"normalization of probabilities: {np.sum(probs_displaced_squeezed)}")

# In[19]:

cov_coh = 0.5 * np.identity(2)
probs_coherent = probabilities(mu, cov_coh, cutoff, hbar=1.0)

# In[22]:

xticks = np.arange(len(probs_displaced_squeezed))
plt.bar(xticks, probs_displaced_squeezed, alpha=0.5, color="b", label="displaced_squeezed", align="center")
plt.bar(xticks, probs_coherent, color="r", alpha=0.5, label="coh", align="center")


Additional information

I could also directly send a jupyter notebook to you if you want me to. It would be superb if you could let me know if you can reproduce this behavior.

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Marsll! We will take a look into this

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Hi @Marsll --- Thanks for finding this. It is indeed a very mysterious bug. If you scan the phase of your coherent displacement and plot the normalization you get this


angles = np.arange(0,np.pi,0.01) norm = [np.sum(probabilities(np.sqrt(2) * np.array([(alpha_abs * np.exp(1j * theta)).real, (alpha_abs * np.exp(1j * theta)).imag]) , cov, cutoff, hbar=1.0)) for theta in angles] plt.plot(angles, norm) plt.xlabel("displacement phase") plt.ylabel("normalization")

On the other hand if the amplitude of your displacement is reduced to be |\alpha| = \sqrt{40} then things more or less work


I am tempted to say that it could be a numerical instability as you suggest, but then somehow it seems to orderly when you plot as a function of the angle.

One possible way to get around this issue is to use long double instead of double in the low level C++ functions that actually do the calculation.

Marsll commented 3 years ago

Hi Nicolás, thanks so much for looking into this. It looks mysterious indeed. Do I have any control over these C++ low level functions that you mention directly via the TheWalrus library, at the moment?

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Hi Marcel --- You do. The chain of functions calls goes as follows

  1. quantum.probabilities
  2. quantum.state_vector
  3. hafnian_batched (in _hermite_multidimensional.py)
  4. hermite_multidimensional (in _hermite_multidimensional.py)
  5. renorm_hermite_multidimensional

This last function lives in libwalrus.pyx where we Cython to be able to call renorm_hermite_multidimensional_cpp from hermite_multidimensional.hpp.

One worrisome aspect of your calculation is that ultimately all of this depends on a recursion relation starting from the vacuum amplitude of the Gaussian state. For the Gaussian state you are considering this quantity is (-1.1483424815398375e-15+3.522084812154078e-15j), i.e., dangerously close to machine epsilon.

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Another thing I tried to test was if there was a communication problem between quantum.probabilities and the C++ code. I calculated <n|D(\alpha) S(r) |0> by first finding the Fock matrix representation of D(\alpha) S(r) which you can do as follows (using the same variables of your example code):

from thewalrus.quantum import fock_tensor T = fock_tensor(S, np.array([alpha]), cutoff=100) I can now plot this versus the result of probabilities as follows plt.plot(np.abs(T[:,0])**2,"*") plt.plot(probs_displaced_squeezed)

and I get


They agree perfectly and are both wrong (at least by a scale).

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Finally, although the normalization is definitely wrong the probabilities are correct up to a scale. If you renormalize them renorm_p = probs_displaced_squeezed / np.sum(probs_displaced_squeezed) and used them to calculate the mean photon number and the variance mean = (renorm_p) @ np.arange(cutoff) var = var = (renorm_p) @ (np.arange(cutoff))**2 - mean**2 to get print(mean,var) 50.271540042961355 36.29493009537737 you can easily verify that these are correct by running photon_number_mean(mu, cov, 0, hbar=1) and photon_number_covar(mu, cov, 0,0, hbar=1)

which makes this even more mysterious....

co9olguy commented 3 years ago

Hi @nquesada any new updates/insights on this issue?

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Yup, the problem is related to this line: https://github.com/XanaduAI/thewalrus/blob/8e856d1139b4b6427f3f1112e39db1aaca244b61/thewalrus/quantum/fock_tensors.py#L171 .

For @Marsll pref = (-1.1483424815398375e-15+3.522084812154078e-15j) while np.real_if_close(pref) = (-1.1483424815398375e-15+0j) . If the np.real_if_close is removed then the normalization comes out to be 0.9999999946493981 ~ 1 .

nquesada commented 3 years ago

Solved in https://github.com/XanaduAI/thewalrus/pull/215