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Question: Is .ogg files with opus codec and WebP embedded cover art thumbnailing a supported configuration? #112

Open 7eventech77 opened 1 month ago

7eventech77 commented 1 month ago

My audio files use .ogg container and opus codec; I want to use WebP as the codec for the cover art that is thumbnailed in Windows Explorer. I've embedded the image into the file with Foobar2000 like I do with .jpgs but Windows Explorer still refuses to thumbnail them even with Icaros and all the other codec extensions I've tried. Android 13 thumbnails this exact file no problem so it must be a Windows thing. Is there any bugs in the code or reasons why Windows wouldn't be able to thumbnail WebP on .ogg files or HEIC, AVIF, JXL for that matter if Icaros is installed and supports the codec? If this isn't in Icaros's jurisdiction no problem, still just super confused why it isn't working.

Thank you!

Xanashi commented 1 month ago

If you have OGG added in Icaros as a thumbnail filetype, then this is definitely an Icaros limitation. Could you send me a sample or two? That would make it a lot easier for me to debug.

7eventech77 commented 1 month ago

Okay, uploaded them to the test repository


Xanashi commented 1 month ago

Could you try this build, and see if that fixes the issue (same build as in #105): https://www.mediafire.com/file/doaxfdutfc2l73u/Icaros_v3.3.3_b2_test3.zip/file

7eventech77 commented 1 month ago

Could you try this build, and see if that fixes the issue (same build as in #105): https://www.mediafire.com/file/doaxfdutfc2l73u/Icaros_v3.3.3_b2_test3.zip/file

The issue with WebP is now fixed! Thank you sooo much! See below image. I tried with AVIF, HEIC, JXL embedded cover art encoded images but those still didn't work. Are you able to get these codecs to work or is it a crazy amount of work or not possible? If it is too much work then don't worry about it but if it is a quick fix then if you could go ahead and add those as a supported configuration that would be great. These codecs will become ever more widespread as time goes on and someone may want to use these for cover art.

I tried to get Foobar2000 support to help me but they sorta acted like I was stupid with my question 🙃 Now time to bug VLC team about adding support to VLC android. WebP with opus