Xangis / ModernMUD

A modern multiplatform multi-user dungeon engine written in C# and .NET with a full toolset.
31 stars 13 forks source link

A question or two #1

Open Baaleos opened 6 years ago

Baaleos commented 6 years ago

Hi - Love what you have done with this C# MUD implementation. I am using it for the starting point of a website/mud I am building.

I was just wondering - did you ever implement any sort of unit testing process? I would like to build some unit tests to verify that my changes don't break anything. Just wondering how one unit tests a MUD system.

I noticed some small issues when I ran the code via Visual Studio. Eg: The namespace is wrong in the spell.invoke call - resulting in a null assembly. As well as an issue with the Illithid not having the Psionicist class enabled, only enslaver was enabled. - which resulted in spells not casting for Illithid.

Did you ever get a solution to making it easier to add / remove classes and races - I read in one of the documents that much of the races and classes are hard-coded into the system etc

Anyway - happy new year.