Xanthos-Code / vintel

EVE Online Visual Intel Tool
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Critical Fix : VINTEL on Mac #140

Open jeffmilton opened 7 years ago

jeffmilton commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this error when trying to use Vintel on Mac:

No logs found at: /Users/jeffmilton/Library/Application Support/Eve Online/p_drive/User/My Documents/EVE/logs/Chatlogs

The logs are loaded here now by default. I think this was a cider to wine update:


Can we please fix this? I believe the area that needs to be corrected is here:

vintel.py line 64-67:

    if not os.path.exists(chatLogDirectory):
        if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            chatLogDirectory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Library", "Application Support", "Eve Online",
                                      "p_drive", "User", "My Documents", "EVE", "logs", "Chatlogs")
HendrikPetertje commented 7 years ago

+1 on this

HendrikPetertje commented 7 years ago

What i do right now is to open a terminal and type:

cd folder/of/vintel-1.2.3.app/Contents/MacOS
./vintel-1.2.3 ~/Documents/EVE/logs/Chatlogs

This opens Vintel up. now keep that console open for as long as vintel runs. you can check if vintel works by removing the folder ~/Documents/EVE/vintel before you start, then after you have started vintel checking if the folder was recreated on the right place.

EomarD commented 7 years ago

I finally got Vintel to work on Mac despite the changed folder locations.

Workaround: Installed "Sync Folders" (App store, Free) and set up a real-time sync of the folder where Eve now writes log files, with the old folder location Vintel expects to find. Confirmed working.

Ailang commented 7 years ago

There's a much better alternative that Mac and Linux users can also use, it's called a Symbolic Link. It's like shortcuts in Windows.

This is for Mac however:

Terminal is located in Applications-Other->Terminal

To double check that you've done it right, enter this: ls -l You should now see something like this: lrwxr-xr-x 1 staff 40 22 Jan 13:27 Chatlogs -> /Users/MAC USER NAME/Documents/EVE/logs/Chatlogs

(If you're curious what staff means, it's your usergroup. It's like the Administrators group on Windows) - Mac/Linux Tip

I may be wrong, but all of the above should probably work for Linux users as well.

Note: the Chatlogs.tar.gz will be tarred and zipped. You should be able to unzip them and see them with a program like WinRAR in Windows (yes it's compatible) or Winzip. In Mac, you should be able to extract the files with the command: "tar zxvf OldChatlogs.tar.gz ./" (without the quotation marks) in Terminal, after doing: cd ~/Documents. This will create a folder called Chatlogs and put the individual files in there, inside Documents.

EomarD commented 7 years ago

Ailang - I couldn't navigate to the path in terminal... does the Library cause an issue?

In any case, thanks very much for the idea of using symbolic links. I managed to find another way to create one and I can confirm it works perfectly. (although a better fix, obviously, would be for Vintel itself to update the directory paths it is searching)

Ailang commented 7 years ago

I think maybe you didn't have the old Eve client on Mac before, so you have to create all those directories. You should at least be able to do: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/ mkdir EVE\ Online mkdir EVE\ Online/p_drive mkdir EVE\ Online/p_drive/User mkdir EVE\ Online/p_drive/User/My\ Documents mkdir EVE\ Online/p_drive/User/My\ Documents/EVE mkdir EVE\ Online/p_drive/User/My\ Documents/EVE/logs

For some reason Github is deleting some characters in my command examples. Make sure for every whitespace character in a filename, you add a '\' before the space, this is called an escape character and you need it if you are working in the Terminal and using filenames with spaces. It delineates between a space in a name compared to a second argument of a command (or consecutive arguments passed to a command.) This may be why you can't get to the path. One thing you can also do with commands is use the tab key to auto-fill the filename/path for you. If it doesn't autofill, press tab again and if it beeps then there's no file or folder with that name. If you make a mistake and need to cancel a command entirely, press ctl-c in the terminal. It's like a cancel button in text form.

EomarD commented 7 years ago

Thanks for that. Yes, I think it was the '\' that caused me the issues.