Xaque8787 / m3uparser

Parse your m3u VOD list and make a .strm library for media server
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Problem retrieving attributes #3

Closed albinmedoc closed 1 week ago

albinmedoc commented 3 weeks ago

I ran into problems running the code, and I seem to understand why. In current code, tvgroup is assumed to be the first attribute, but this is not always the case. A slightly "kinder" way of retrieving the attribute would be needed.

Wrote up a quick function that can be used to support various m3u formats. Hopefully this can help you. I tried to implement it in the codebase, but I still don't really understand how the current code works.

import re

def extract_key_value_pairs(s):
    # Define the regular expression pattern
    pattern = r'(\w+(?:-\w+)?)="([^"]*)"'

    # Find all matches in the string
    matches = re.findall(pattern, s)

    # Create a dictionary from the matches
    result = {key: value for key, value in matches}

    return result

# Example input string
input_string = '#EXTINF:0 channelID="x-ID.0" tvg-chno="1000" tvg-name="Apan [SE] [2009]" tvg-id="1000" tvg-logo="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w600_and_h900_bestv2/bZcK8blLUXjMv2u0Kh7GDl9kT2I.jpg" group-title="VOD: Svenska",Apan [SE] [2009]'

# Extract key-value pairs
result_dict = extract_key_value_pairs(input_string)

# Print the full dict

# Print a specific key

The function returns a dict representing all attributes.

   "tvg-name":"Apan [SE] [2009]",
   "group-title":"VOD: Svenska"

Originally posted by @albinmedoc in https://github.com/Xaque8787/m3uparser/issues/2#issuecomment-2162842436

albinmedoc commented 3 weeks ago

I got it working with my m3u file. But it seems like plex has ended support for strm-files, so I will not continue improving the code. I don't want my work to be wasted, so I throw in my parser.py file here.

import os
import re
from enum import Enum

class LineType(Enum):
    Movie = 1
    Series = 2
    Other = 99

def extract_key_value_pairs(s: str) -> dict[str, str]:
    # Define the regular expression pattern
    pattern = r'(\w+(?:-\w+)?)="([^"]*)"'

    # Find all matches in the string
    matches: str = re.findall(pattern, s)

    # Create a dictionary from the matches
    result = {key: value for key, value in matches}

    return result

def extract_series_name(episode_title: str) -> str:
    # Define a regex pattern to match the series name
    pattern = r"^(.*?)\sS\d{2}"
    match = re.search(pattern, episode_title)
    if match:
        return match.group(1)
        return None

def extract_season_and_episode(episode_title: str) -> str:
    # Define a regex pattern to match the season and episode
    pattern = r"(S\d{2}E\d{2})"
    match = re.search(pattern, episode_title)
    if match:
        return match.group(1)
        return None

def create_strm_file(directory: str, filename: str, url: str) -> None:
    print(f"Creating file: {filename} in {directory} with URL: {url}")
    #return None
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        print(f"Created directory: {directory}")
    with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), "w") as f:
        print(f"Created file: {filename} in {directory}")

# Open the M3U file
with open("/usr/src/app/m3u_file.m3u", "r") as f:
    # Read the M3U file contents
    contents = f.read()

# Split the contents by newline characters
lines = contents.split("\n")

line_type: LineType = LineType.Other
title: str
directory: str

# Iterate through each line
for line in lines:
    print(f"Processing line: {line}")
    # Check if the line starts with #EXTINF
    if line.startswith("#EXTINF"):
            attributes = extract_key_value_pairs(line)
            group_title = attributes["group-title"]
            # Determine the type of content (movie, series) based on the group name
            if group_title.startswith("VOD:"):
                title = attributes["tvg-name"]
                directory = os.path.join("Movies", title)
                line_type = LineType.Movie
            elif group_title.startswith("Series:"):
                season_and_episode = extract_season_and_episode(attributes["tvg-name"])
                title = extract_series_name(attributes["tvg-name"])
                directory = os.path.join("Series", title)
                title += " " + season_and_episode
                line_type = LineType.Series
                line_type = LineType.Other
            line_type = LineType.Other

    # Check if the line is a URL
    elif line.startswith("http"):
        # Create the file path
        if line_type == LineType.Other:
            print("Skipping line")
            create_strm_file(directory, title + ".strm", line)
Xaque8787 commented 3 weeks ago

I got it working with my m3u file. But it seems like plex has ended support for strm-files, so I will not continue improving the code. I don't want my work to be wasted, so I throw in my parser.py file here.

Hey thanks for the input! Currently rewriting the entire parser.py script to address this issue and more.

You could always switch to jellyfin, no problem playing .strm files

Xaque8787 commented 1 week ago

I got it working with my m3u file. But it seems like plex has ended support for strm-files, so I will not continue improving the code. I don't want my work to be wasted, so I throw in my parser.py file here.

import os
import re
from enum import Enum

class LineType(Enum):
    Movie = 1
    Series = 2
    Other = 99

def extract_key_value_pairs(s: str) -> dict[str, str]:
    # Define the regular expression pattern
    pattern = r'(\w+(?:-\w+)?)="([^"]*)"'

    # Find all matches in the string
    matches: str = re.findall(pattern, s)

    # Create a dictionary from the matches
    result = {key: value for key, value in matches}

    return result

def extract_series_name(episode_title: str) -> str:
    # Define a regex pattern to match the series name
    pattern = r"^(.*?)\sS\d{2}"
    match = re.search(pattern, episode_title)
    if match:
        return match.group(1)
        return None

def extract_season_and_episode(episode_title: str) -> str:
    # Define a regex pattern to match the season and episode
    pattern = r"(S\d{2}E\d{2})"
    match = re.search(pattern, episode_title)
    if match:
        return match.group(1)
        return None

def create_strm_file(directory: str, filename: str, url: str) -> None:
    print(f"Creating file: {filename} in {directory} with URL: {url}")
    #return None
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        print(f"Created directory: {directory}")
    with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), "w") as f:
        print(f"Created file: {filename} in {directory}")

# Open the M3U file
with open("/usr/src/app/m3u_file.m3u", "r") as f:
    # Read the M3U file contents
    contents = f.read()

# Split the contents by newline characters
lines = contents.split("\n")

line_type: LineType = LineType.Other
title: str
directory: str

# Iterate through each line
for line in lines:
    print(f"Processing line: {line}")
    # Check if the line starts with #EXTINF
    if line.startswith("#EXTINF"):
            attributes = extract_key_value_pairs(line)
            group_title = attributes["group-title"]
            # Determine the type of content (movie, series) based on the group name
            if group_title.startswith("VOD:"):
                title = attributes["tvg-name"]
                directory = os.path.join("Movies", title)
                line_type = LineType.Movie
            elif group_title.startswith("Series:"):
                season_and_episode = extract_season_and_episode(attributes["tvg-name"])
                title = extract_series_name(attributes["tvg-name"])
                directory = os.path.join("Series", title)
                title += " " + season_and_episode
                line_type = LineType.Series
                line_type = LineType.Other
            line_type = LineType.Other

    # Check if the line is a URL
    elif line.startswith("http"):
        # Create the file path
        if line_type == LineType.Other:
            print("Skipping line")
            create_strm_file(directory, title + ".strm", line)

I'd like to thank you for giving me some insight on how to improve the parser script to accommodate more types of .m3u formats. While your method definitely works for your provided example, I found a lot of other .m3u were formatted to a slightly different standard. Most do not have all the categories like tvchno="", tvg-id="", tvg-name="". Rather they stick to keeping most of the relevant information in just the group-title="" value. So I made the parser script make a dictionary with key value pairs of every category for some information, but have it filter out information mainly from the group-title value.

With your provided example line, to get a proper directory/file structure made, you could use this compose example. Adding the SCRUB_HEADER value to eliminate the texts that precedes the movies title, and the REMOVE_TERMS value to remove the language in brackets, would yield a proper Movie Title (year).strm. You could add more terms to handle television shows as well depending on how those are formatted.

m3uparser: image: xaque87/m3uparser:latest environment:

  • PUID=1000 # Default if blank
  • PGID=1000 # Default if blank
  • M3U_URL="m3uURL1.com, m3uURL2.com, etc..."
  • HOURS=12 #update interval, setting this optional, default 12hrs
  • SCRUB_HEADER="Svenska"."
  • CLEANERS=movies
  • LIVE_TV= # Default is false
  • UNSORTED= # Default is false volumes:
  • /path/to/your/media/library:/usr/src/app/VODS