Xariyl / FishyExperiment812390

Modpack by Oden_the_Fish
1 stars 1 forks source link

Other stuff #12

Open odenthefish opened 9 years ago

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

Other stuff for the modpack

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

what do you think of this as the modpack image? https://www.dropbox.com/s/gewg1x0vjj4nnyx/EXPERIMENT%20812390.png?dl=0 i made it in paints, its ok... and i don't know what the image should be like.

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

I like it, but I think it needs something more. Can you add an 8-bit image of a rifle with muzzle flash between the lines? Or one of the jeeps or planes? Don't make it too fancy, I think, just a little something extra.

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

the best i can do is a stick... what about asking around the BC forums? if you have anything it might do the trick.

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

I have this but it still seems lacking.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng7ufy596ciff16/EXPERIMENT%20812390%20with%20tank.png?dl=0 i think i made the tank a bit small EDIT: i found out about the copy and past feature! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jw7wlgknu71pgf/EXPERIMENT%20812390%20with%202%20tanks.png?dl=0

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

I like the 2-tanks :+1:

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

its a bit off centered... what do you think leave it or try to fix it? i can use the select tool and not have to redo anything but i don't know if it'd look right

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

here is with it centered: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zzaqrikfsx15vw6/EXPERIMENT%20812390%20with%202%20tanks%20centered.png?dl=0 and the numbers have been made slightly larger

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Here's my attempt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbgk19btgjq2kda/EXPERIMENT%20812390.png?dl=0

Also, if you want to play with free images, check out http://game-icons.net/ (where I got the heli and tank icons).

(purposely off-center to make it look like the tank is shooting the heli, but obviously adjust it as you prefer.)

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

i like it! but its a bit to complex for minecraft don't you think? they look a bit too high quality for a game without circles. it would be good in another, more realistic looking kind of game IMO.

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Really? hm, I suppose. I've seen a few mod authors use their icons (notably Azanor for Thaumcraft... there are a few others but I can't think off the top of my head).

Can always manually "dumb down" the quality a bit, I guess? hm.

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

Perhaps use a couple gun icons in it? because the flan's mod guns are pretty high quality I just don't want it to become a copy of other modpack's icons

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

I am going to use your image for the modpack :) EDIT: The image must be a 1:1 ratio and a minimum of 400px by 400px that is what i get when i try to upload the picture, i don't understand! this is probably the simplest thing ever. :P

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Eep! Mine was just to present the idea, lol... Didn't think you would actually use it !

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

do you not want it used? i can find a different one if so

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

I want you to be happy with it. If you like it, use it! I was just surprised :)

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

EDIT OF AN UNEDITED POST: i won't be able to use your image :/ it wants one that is a complete square and if i re-size yours it looks all smushed together :( i think i may have to start from scratch on the image...

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

i am not going to be able to use your picture :( it looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9r774ef9purfanf/EXPERIMENT%20812390%20smush.png?dl=0 when the aspect ratio is made equal if you want you could make another with the correct ratio (it was my fault i didn't know it would ask for a perfect square) here is the one i fixed https://www.dropbox.com/s/npk09reziqxfz55/EXPERIMENT%20812390%20with%202%20tanks%20centered%20-%20Copy.png?dl=0

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Honestly I like the one you fixed. If you wish, I'll take another stab at a new image tomorrow, but that last you posted I do like.

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

I'm going to use mine and if I don't like it then I'll make sure to let you know :)

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

Have you gotten a bar in the upper left corner like this one shown in these screen shots? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fodrx7x4e6agdrv/AADnOFjH0_fpmzLjb2IcOIk4a?dl=0 It has an envelope with a 2 next to it and a dollar sign with a zero next to it.

Xariyl commented 8 years ago

I placed a sign with a present in your house.