Xariyl / FishyExperiment812390

Modpack by Oden_the_Fish
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Random stuff. #14

Open odenthefish opened 9 years ago

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

A issue for random stuff so I don't keep filling other issues with garbage.

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

So would making a moving boat so that players click a door to board them and letting them walk around inside work? they would actually be inside the entity but not stuck in one place. what do you think?

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately no. They would have to be attached as far as the game code is concerned. They would become a part of the boat (and thus unable to move independently). Entities move independently of each other (including players).

This has been one of the biggest requests since mountable entities/ships had come about. Current MC code (for 1.7.10) doesn't allow it (I don't know yet about the later versions).

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

Yea minecraft was never meant to run these kinds of things, although they may change the code later the game wasn't meant to do these things in the when it was first programmed. It'd require a complete entity overhaul I would guess

odenthefish commented 9 years ago

I added quite a bit of security to my base (only a little bit but its the first time I've ever secured anything because I've always played SP) I have a laser turret (yay for the enderfarm!) it should allow you in but you might want to be careful while entering my storage and processing area... I also added a logistics security station, you should be allowed to request stuff and be un-effected (unless you go into my base and break then replace all my pipes with the exact setting for fun :P ) but I'm not sure if i did it right and you might have to go directly to the chest you want something from. Yes I am out of town... I didn't lie! But I might be cheating because I'm using the WiFi hotspot on my phone...

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

What do you think about deleting all the threads? we have a ton of dev posts here that don't need to exist anymore.

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1444787-ships-mod-build-sailable-ships-out-of-blocks https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5xr7431lz30jpp8/AAApDIGicpKIuUaZRgC3sXjWa?dl=0

This likely won't be added because it is still kind of buggy and I'm trying to not add too many mods to the modpack, I'm personally fine with lots of mods but some people don't quite like 205065 mods installed, and the more mods the less stable the modpack. And the modpack being stable is very important to me, I once had an unstable modpack, long ago... back in a version called 1.6.4... cries

Anyway, I just wanted to share that cool mod, I didn't make the ships I copied it from the ships gallery.

The developer seems to like doing things to the game that shouldn't be done... :P Like Tall worlds, http://www.cuchazinteractive.com/tall-worlds/

Xariyl commented 8 years ago

Hm, interesting. It's certainly one of the more realistic ones I've seen. I've only ever actually used Archimedes (air ships!) but this one looks pretty good. I wonder how it works with multiplayer, or if it's possible to move entities around (load up some villagers and sail them to my Emerald Farm island vacation home!)

Stability and minimizing bloat is very good for modpacks, but a few aren't too bad. I try to keep my personal packs under 100 mods (I average around 75 usually). I like having multiple ways of doings things (magic, tech, whatever), but I also try not to have actual duplication (i.e. if TE is installed, I don't need IC2). Generally, keep in mind whatever theme you're aiming for and build around that.

So far I think your pack is coming along very well. You've got a good amount of tech, utility, and decorative mods, and it has been fairly stable (server issues notwithstanding). Adding a ships mod of some sort I think would be okay, wouldn't be theme-breaking or anything.

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

The thing that really stands out to me is the ability to walk around and interact with blocks on the ship, even though it is kind of buggy. I had the cows on the ship and was underway, though a few floated through the blocks it kept most oneboard. I think it'd be a cool thing to add but I don't know if it'd play well with all the mods in the modpack, I just loaded that up alone because I didn't feel like waiting for the normal modpack to load :P I'll test it today, who knows maybe it'll run perfectly.

Xariyl commented 8 years ago


Sorry I haven't been on too much lately. I'm still alive! Just unfortunately been too busy to play much lately. End-of-year stuff at work and holidays coming and family nonsense going on.

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

I know that feeling, plus I've been sick the past few days and haven't felt like playing much, but I'm getting better! Colds are no match for the power of Nyquil and generic Vics!

Hope to see you online soon!

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

Merry Christmas! blows party horn

Xariyl commented 8 years ago

Merry Christmas! blows party horn for every good reason!

odenthefish commented 8 years ago

Happy new ear! And the year too, I guess.

Xariyl commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I could use a new ear. A new nose, too.

Happy New Year!

odenthefish commented 8 years ago
