XavierBerger / RPi-Monitor

Real time monitoring for embedded devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Service Status via Labels and Bages, not being updated when service is brought down #401

Open thygizmo opened 1 year ago

thygizmo commented 1 year ago

Hi, Ever since some years ago, I have noticed that the "service monitoring" implementation, actually shows the badges/labels as "Red"/down if the ports for instance are actually closed.

Starting up a service (e.g.: FTP service on port 21), actually makes the label/badge change from red to green status, which is ok and expected. However, if I stop an FTP server listening on port 21 (e.g.: netstat correctly reports there is no port being LISTENed), but the Label/Badge does not change back to red...

Does anyone know if this is a known issue, or I am doing something wrong, somewhere?

Here's the relevant configuration that I have setup for the ftp Service monitoring:

dynamic.1.name=ftp dynamic.1.source=netstat -nlt dynamic.1.regexp=tcp .\:(21).*LISTEN

web.status.1.content.1.line.1=Badge(data.ftp,"==21","ftp(21)","success") + Badge(data.ftp,"!=21","ftp(21)","danger")

Many thanks for any tips you might have...:)

Cheers, Gizmo

JappeHallunken commented 1 year ago

I've got this working with labels, and I use ss, since netstatis deprecated. Your web.status stuff looks right, so I guess the error happens maybe at the regexp? Here my code for comparison:

dynamic.3.source=ss -nltp
dynamic.3.regexp=LISTEN .+:(80).+

web.status.1.content.1.line.2="<b>Lighttpd HTTP</b>: "+Label(data.http,"==80","listening","success")+Label(data.http,"!=80","not listening","danger")

EDIT: I tested your regexp with RegExr and it's not working. It should be;

tcp .+:(21).*LISTEN
thygizmo commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for the feedback and for your piece of code! Actually the regexp is correct and matches the output of the netstat command! However, I did not have in my configuration the "dynmic.x.default=0 value" and that made the whole difference!!!

Thank you for your feedback, I finally got it fully working!

Many thanks! Giz

JappeHallunken commented 1 year ago

Nice that you found a solution. It's a bit offtopic, but I'm still wondering about the regexp. Because when I test this https://regexr.com/6ub3v, it doesn't match without the + and I don't understand why.