XboxChaos / Assembly

Multi-Generation Blam Engine Research Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
224 stars 95 forks source link

--- [Request] Plugin Merger Tool #315

Open TrevorAvrett opened 3 years ago

TrevorAvrett commented 3 years ago

A plugin merger tool to compare the user's given plugin, (most likely in the "Backup" log) to the plugin that comes with the latest Assembly Update.

The tool highlights the differences, (names or entirely newly defined values) and the user can double click on the one that will be used in the new plugin.

If the user does not hand select each difference they want to keep, then assembly auto-generates, based on a number of preferences the user chooses

                                -  Default all line *Differences* to end the Reference Name with a "?"
                                -  Include BOTH Reference Names where there are name discrepancies for the same offset, 
                                      separated by: " | "
                                -  Prefer the alternate Reference Names found in *either plugin* choices 
                                      over any "Unknown" Reference Names

                                - Include ALL different lines referenced in the Backup AND Assembly Updated plugin
                                - Only include ALL different lines referenced in the Backup and Assembly plugin versions IF they're not 
                                      identified with the Reference Name: "Unknown"

                                - Merger Tool will Default to Backups plugins where differences occur             
                                - Merger Tool will Default to Assembly Updates plugins where differences occur  

(Side by Side Comparison) [User Backup Plugins] | [Assembly Updated Version Plugins]

[Compiled Plugins from lines unchanged, and user-selected]

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