XboxUnity / AuroraScripts

Various LUA scripts for Aurora
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weather forecast #21

Open fabricocouto opened 2 years ago

fabricocouto commented 2 years ago

also the weather forecast system would consider changing to another api platform, or that no longer works it would be nice to put the weather on top of the avatar

Swizzy commented 2 years ago

Feel free to update it with support for a different API if you want - adding on top of the avatar i'm not sure what you mean by that, try showing with a screenshot perhaps?

fabricocouto commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't understand much about lua writing, so connoisseur of C#, but i can help with ideas

fabricocouto commented 2 years ago

imagem_2022-08-30_121435970 I thought of it for the weather forecast

Swizzy commented 2 years ago

I don't think there currently is support for that level of plugins in Aurora unfortunately. I also think this should probably be more of a core feature to be displayed like this.

It's a nice idea, don't get me wrong - but, it'll likely take some time before this could become reality, if it ever comes since like i said it should be part of the core and not a plugin per say.

Ste1io commented 4 months ago

I've updated the script to use Open-Meteo API instead of the previous now-defunct service, and improved the "onboarding" location search feature to accept city, postal code, or lat,lon. Will push changes tonight after adding a basic validation check for the settings.ini.

Bonus: no longer requires an api key; just set location and you're all set.

@fabricocouto I like the presentation in your mockup, like a weather widget essentially; like @Swizzy said, that would require some changes to core. I'll keep it in mind though.

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fabricocouto commented 3 months ago

It was great, congratulations on the work

Ste1io commented 3 months ago

been meaning to push a final commit with the remaining fixes; will do that this weekend so we can close this issue out.