XboxUnity / AuroraScripts

Various LUA scripts for Aurora
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Logic Issue in MenuSystem.lua #5

Closed saywaking closed 7 years ago

saywaking commented 7 years ago

Small issue

line 24 you check "if ret.Canceled == true" after "if ret.Canceled == true" any reason for that?

Swizzy commented 7 years ago

Not sure how this is a "issue", it doesn't do any harm, it doesn't do anything actually...

And no, you're right, it's meaningless... it's just something that happened while i was writing that... it doesn't change anything if you remove that second if...

saywaking commented 7 years ago

there are many channels to "tell" you something -> forums, github, mailing, pull requesting etc. i couldn't decide, which one to use. I actually don't want to have that many pull request, when you are able to push directly :) Let's see how it will continue.