Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Illandril's Hotbar Uses compatibility issue #10

Closed NutritiousCookie closed 2 years ago

NutritiousCookie commented 2 years ago

Illandril's Hotbar Uses floats beneath your CSS. I'm currently hacking it by giving the uses element a z-index of 100, but a more permanent solution would be nice. image <- with RPG UI image <- without RPG UI

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@NutritiousCookie The problem is clear, I will add a fix in the next patch v0.4.1.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@NutritiousCookie I checked on the current version, the panel is displayed: image

I've fixed this before (https://github.com/Xbozon/rpg-styled-ui/issues/6), maybe installed not the latest version? Also maybe there is another problem, but which one?

NutritiousCookie commented 2 years ago

Somehow I was on version 3.0, despite having downloaded it for the first time yesterday, and 3.0 being 2 1/2 months out of date.


Thanks for the fix.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@NutritiousCookie Most likely you downloaded via install module and search among all the modules. I forgot to add the new version to the foundry hub. Fixed that too :)