Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Two issue and one request. :) #32

Closed Padhiver closed 2 years ago

Padhiver commented 2 years ago

Hello !

Already thank you for this UI which I think is beautiful, it is perfect for fantasy and travel in Middle Earth. :D

I post below two small problems that I encounter, the first one comes from Midi Qol, more precisely the application map and damage calculation in the chat: image

As you can see, you can't see the chosen option very well, except when clicking on it: image

So much for the first problem. The second one is from the compendium, the sidebar that allows you to climb up and down has become all black: image

And it doesn't matter where you are in the compendium, there is no more location marker.

And the small request now, it turns out that the "links" in the articles are a little too white (image below), and I would like to make tests of colour to perhaps make them a little more black at home but I do not know much about it, would it be possible to know the line to modify to make these tests? I'd like to do some colour tests to make them a bit blacker at home but I don't know much about it.


Thanks for reading! :)

Xbozon commented 2 years ago


The first two problems I understand, I think I can fix in the next patch. As for the links and chat commands, I fixed it earlier (https://github.com/Xbozon/rpg-styled-ui/issues/22), it's strange that this problem exist. Where are you using them?

Padhiver commented 2 years ago

In a note you don't have this problem, but in a weapon or an ability you do, as well as in a class table for example. Here a screenshot : image

I use Dnd5e and latest version of everything, 8.9 Foundry. And looking at the issue you posted it is indeed the same problem! I tested with a blank world and just with RPG UI, it does the same thing. 😃

(English are not my native langage, i hope i'm clear enough ! :)

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@Padhiver Don't worry, English is not my native language either. I understand now, thank you. The previous fix only affects the chat.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@Padhiver Can you send me your Midi settings (as screenshots)? I can't get the same chat message :D. Thank you!

Padhiver commented 2 years ago

Sure !

In english, you have to go in "Workflow Setting" (where my mouse are) : image

Then, in Workflow tab, scroll all the way down and it's in "Damage" section, auto apply damage + card chat. :) image

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@Padhiver Thanks for the quick answers, fixed in v0.6.4. Let me know if there are any problems.

Padhiver commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much ! It's perfect. The three problems are all solved. :D