Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Module not v9 compatible #33

Closed tagnullde closed 2 years ago

tagnullde commented 2 years ago

You probably know but here it is anyway. The module breaks CSS in v9.


As you can see, the right handside menu CSS is repeated over the complete canvas.

Have a nice holiday.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@tagnullde There are, in reality, a lot more problems to solve. I'm working on version 9, most likely to be released next week.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@tagnullde I added compatibility in v0.7.0, try it!

tagnullde commented 2 years ago

Seems to work :) Thanks mate.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@tagnullde Thank you for using the mod :)