Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Module compatibility and override issue and Combat carousel #37

Closed remiverdel closed 2 years ago

remiverdel commented 2 years ago


Now that I got the module working, I was wondering if it was compatible with Minimal UI because there seem to be some strange dispositions going on. My macro bar is all the way to the right, the player list also is a bit to the right and not really in the corder. Also, the pause menu logo seems to be overridden as I selected a custom one in Minimal UI. Same for the Foundry logo in the corner. In Minimal UI and your module I disabled it, but the navigation stays to the right instead of taking the vacant place. Is it a compatibility issue?

Capture d’écran 2022-01-03 à 16 22 18

Also, about Combat Carousel, love the new design of the UI but I just saw that it's not possible anymore to roll initiative from the red dice button that was on the token image. Now we have to either go into the combat tracker menu to roll initiative or to input it manually.

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

@remiverdel It takes time to understand the problem

remiverdel commented 2 years ago

Sure I get it. Don't worry all of those are really minor problems, they really aren't game breaking or anything. Would just love to see all those modules seamlessly blend together, would be absolutely perfect for immersion and efficiency!


Sasmira commented 2 years ago

Hello for your minimal ui, you can use standard mode for logo and adjust in manual the pixel position for your Macro bar. All is in minimal ui setting :D