Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Remove the color: inherit on .discarded #57

Closed Gremlinism closed 2 years ago

Gremlinism commented 2 years ago

Hi, love the mod, thanks for the great work you do on it.

Is it possible to remove the color: inherit style on .discarded? When we roll with advantage/disadvantage you can't see the dice result of the discarded roll. Currently the only way to see it is to find it and turn it off in the elements with each roll.


Color: Inherit On: image_2022-06-02_114324296

Color: Inherit Off: Inherit off

Sasmira commented 2 years ago

something like this maybe ?

Gremlinism commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that'd work great, it still highlights the correct roll more but lets us see what the discarded one was

Xbozon commented 2 years ago

I added it to the main branch.

Sorry it took me so long, I'm moving and don't have internet :(

Gremlinism commented 2 years ago

Oh don't stress at all, we had the workaround. Thanks for all the work on it, appreciate it and the theme always gets comments from our players on how awesome it looks.

Sasmira commented 2 years ago

héhé when I know, I can create a little fix !