Xbozon / rpg-styled-ui

Foundry VTT RPG Styled UI
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Request to retain intact left-side menu and Foundry menu #7

Closed sashemi closed 3 years ago

sashemi commented 3 years ago


Thank you so much for developing this module. As someone who has extreme photophobia due to damaged irises, I appreciate the dark colored UI I can use, which is otherwise not possible with Foundry.

I was filing this request so that an option could be included to leave the left-hand side menu intact, along with the Foundry logo (dice and anvil). I like its appearance, as I'm fond of the product, and would like to continue seeing its logo as I run my games.

Thanks for reading!

Xbozon commented 3 years ago


I originally thought long and hard about the decision to change the standard logo, but I did it to match the style. Anyway, I've been thinking about the option of returning the standard logo myself, and I'll do it for sure.

Tell me, is there any difficulty with the left menu? The standard design isn't very pretty.

It's not hard to do, just please tell me the reasons :)

P.S. Take care of your eyes!

sashemi commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for your response!

For the left-hand side menu, I am sorry to have lumped it in. I do appreciate all the work you've done.

Here were 2 issues with it - see below default: image 1, The icons are a bit farther apart with your module enabled, than the default layout. I don't think this necessarily adds any functionality or conformance to rest of your UI

  1. There was no visual indicator (like the orange box) for what is currently selected

The same left-hand side menu with your extension (first two icons are active - but not visually apparent): image

Thank you!

Xbozon commented 3 years ago


Let me make them closer to each other and accentuate the active icons, if that doesn't help, add an option to revert to the classic menu.

(actually the icon itself gets a little lighter if active, but I think it may not be visible due to vision or monitor, glad you wrote about it, I'll fix it!)

sashemi commented 3 years ago

I see the slight accent now that you mention it. It is white instead of the subtle dark red/brown. I would have never noticed until you pointed it out! You don't have to accommodate it.. my contrast vision is unfortunately quite kaput.. but if you made it more noticeable that would be amazing. Thank you!

Xbozon commented 3 years ago


Alpha 0.3.1

Please tell me if you are still experiencing difficulties.