Xceptance / neodymium-library

A test automation library based on common other best practice open source libraries. It adds missing functionalities but does not reinvent the wheel. Just glues stuff together nicely and adds some sprinkles.
MIT License
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Support gathering browser log data like response codes #58

Open occupant23 opened 5 years ago

occupant23 commented 5 years ago

Even though this feature will not be included into the Selenium WebDriver API, there are some ways to achieve gathering the data needed.

The following link contains a good part of the implementation needed: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6509628/how-to-get-http-response-code-using-selenium-webdriver

occupant23 commented 3 years ago

We can achieve support for this using the official APIs once Selenium 4 is released. (feature preview: https://applitools.com/blog/selenium-4-chrome-devtools/)