Xceptance / posters-demo-store

A simple e-commerce application for demoing load testing, test automation, and functional testing.
Apache License 2.0
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Testplan Posters v2 #213

Open KFie opened 10 months ago

KFie commented 10 months ago

Testplan Posters v2


This test plan serves as a basic outline of a functional test suite of the Xceptance Posters store Posters v2.,

Test Design

This test plan includes a list of test suites resembling the different areas of the storefront a customer will come across when browsing and purchasing. Test cases are very roughly specified; subtasks will include detailled test steps later on.

Test Execution

Test cases can be conducted on desktop and any mobile device which is commonly used across the world. This includes the following:

Test Execution Documentation

Test execution may be documented by adding results to the corresponding subtasks in GitHub. Alternatively, a demo test suite can be found in testmo under Project: Posters v2, https://xc-test.testmo.net/projects/view/3. Test cases have been created in August 2023. Any changes to the implementation afterwards will not be reflected if the test suites do not get updated during the development and bug fixing process.

Defect Management

Defect tracking will happen under „Issues“ on https://github.com/Xceptance/posters-demo-store. Click „New issue“ to file a ticket and use correct labels:

Further information such as milestones or projects will be modified by the PO.

Test Suites and Test Cases

rschwietzke commented 7 months ago

@freddyka Please execute this test plan once and comment here when done. The comment should contain: When tested (data and version, GIT commit hash), what defects found (just a reference like #201 to the ticket) and other things one should know

freddyka commented 6 months ago

Testplan Posters v2.1 Git commit hash:7e1e461daffbf3e15459c90f0836a45ac68668af

Test cases:

    Company logo link
    Search box functionality
    Header icons
    Category navigation
    Mobile category navigation

    Footer links
Footer links
Footer symbols
Footer content
Verify Version 

    Banner carousels

Category Landing Page
    Main components
    Desktop product grid
    Mobile product grid
    Product tile
    Pagination functionality

    Search results page components

Product Details Page
    Main components
    Size selection
    Style selection
    "Add to Cart" button

    Line item display
    Quantity adjustments
    Removing items
    Order summary
    „Proceed to checkout“ button

    Shipping Address
        Shipping address form
        Authenticated checkout with saved address(es)
    Billing Address
        Billing address form
        Authenticated checkout with saved address(es)
    Payment Method
        Credit card form
        Authenticated checkout with saved credit card(s)
    Order Overview
        Order overview page
    Order Confirmation
        Order confirmation page

Registration/Log in
    Create an account
    Log in

    Order history
        Add address
        Edit address
        Delete address
    Payment settings
        Add credit card
        Edit credit card
        Delete credit card
    Personal data
        Edit name
        Edit email
        Edit password
        Delete account

-->new defects that have been found : #287 #288 #289 #290 #291 #292 #293 #294 note: mobile version not working properly