Xcov19 / mhc-fe

my health connect frontend repository with design studio and frontend source code
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Lo-fi wireframe of results page #40

Open isidoravladic opened 1 year ago

isidoravladic commented 1 year ago

A few blockers/questions:

  1. What type of information should be included on the provider card?
  2. What type of filters should be included?
  3. Will there be a profile page for each provider for the user to click into?
  4. Where would the drive and Uber buttons lead? To a maps app/Uber app?


codecakes commented 1 year ago

What type of information should be included on the provider card?

cc @Shirinzaboli @halkasm
There is some reference available here for each care card: https://www.figma.com/file/SaogNumE6i2l9WPQ0zWUGS/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1&t=CwA3gv8idgSqHK9y-0 and https://xcov19.slack.com/archives/C01BE6SPLMB/p1670632770263829?thread_ts=1670441246.905729&cid=C01BE6SPLMB

For instance, Each provider/care in the reference design card has:

What type of filters should be included?

Will there be a profile page for each provider for the user to click into?

Yes but just for display. right now the care provider cannot claim and own the page and edit it. See that page ref here: https://www.figma.com/file/SaogNumE6i2l9WPQ0zWUGS/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1&t=CwA3gv8idgSqHK9y-0

Where would the drive and Uber buttons lead? To a maps app/Uber app?

Map view with start and destination pins. Ref to its wireframe here: https://www.figma.com/file/SaogNumE6i2l9WPQ0zWUGS/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1&t=CwA3gv8idgSqHK9y-0

codecakes commented 1 year ago

Where would the drive and Uber buttons lead? To a maps app/Uber app?

Clicking Uber has same effect as you'd see when you click on uber drive from here on a mobile: https://deploy-preview-117--dreamy-keller-b8ad36.netlify.app/

However, the same information we retrieve on our maps view as well from start to destination map view. We fetch the info from Uber Api once "uber" is clicked We render the same info from uber api onto our apps map as well. So looking at uber or on our map should show the same situation. The maps will be diff/ because' uber uses it's own map. we use google maps, for the meantime.

Clicking on non-uber "drive" for now, loads up the map and shows your geo-location based movement between start and stop locations. Incase you move away from desired pinned locations, it reflects on the native google app map showing the patient moving away from pinned locations.

codecakes commented 1 year ago


codecakes commented 1 year ago

another todos: