------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------
As the last assigned agent, I should be able to close the case.
I can select this stage to see how many cases are closed in total and by me or by any other agent handle/username by selecting on the filter field under this stage column.
----------------- TO DO'S -----------------
[ ] Again, make each case clickable to open patient's file & be able to edit it
[ ] Add a "Close the case" button
[ ] Add a FILTER function with the following filters (and do this for each of the 5 stages):
Filter by handle/username
[ ] Display total # of cases, and make sure it updates after filtering (i.e. after filter, it should only show the # of cases closed by me, or by any other agent that I chose to filter for) (and do this for each of the 5 stages)
------------- DESCRIPTION --------------- As the last assigned agent, I should be able to close the case.
I can select this stage to see how many cases are closed in total and by me or by any other agent handle/username by selecting on the filter field under this stage column.
----------------- TO DO'S -----------------