I should be able to click on this stage and open up any ticket assigned to me and be able to edit them.
The clickable fields are:
Patient Report: File Format Attachment
pre existing disease (like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart diseases): ARRAY[STRING]
Allocation/Assessment [editable]
Case history: [STRING]
Severity Assessment Report: [STRING_CHOICE]
Every ticket should have a standard black on white background), and the high-priority tickets should turn red. To determine if a ticket is high priority, it is important to understand that there is an Assigned Doctor Field along with Approved by field, the same Medical Officer/Doctor-On-Call field for all stages (assuming A doctor has been assigned/someone diagnosing the patient).
To determine priority of ticket:
In Test Results:
—> If Patient is +ve and they've approved based on assessment to get admitted, given severity level(Mild, Medium, Critical) and it has been 6 hrs, throw alert.
—> If -ive and patient hasn't been cleared*, then throw alert.
----------------- TO DO'S -----------------
[ ] Again, just like the previous stage tab, the user should be able to click and open any patient that he/she was assigned to, and be able to edit the forms
[ ] Add the following forms under "Personal Details":
[ ] (URGENT) Make most tickets have a standard theme (e.g. black font on white background or wtv matches with our other UX/UI designs), and flag a few tickets and make them STAND OUT (e.g. red background), because those would be for pending patients who have not been tested, or who have been tested and did not receive feedback.
[ ] (not urgent) Create confitions such that if and only if the patient is both tested-positive && received the doctor's approval, only then can the patient be moved onto the next stage ("Admission"). If doctor disapproved (Case 2), regardless of tested positive or negative, skip to "Closed case" stage. Otherwise (case 3), do nothing and wait.
[ ] (not urgent) Then if I wait long enough, as the user I will receive a new notification about the concerned patient who did not receive feedback yet within a given time frame (please refer to the green-highlighted text in user stories under "Test Result stage"). Note that these last two tasks are not urgent for now, because as long as we can move patients between stages, and as long as some tickets are flagged red, then it's fine.
------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------
I should be able to click on this stage and open up any ticket assigned to me and be able to edit them.
The clickable fields are:
Every ticket should have a standard black on white background), and the high-priority tickets should turn red. To determine if a ticket is high priority, it is important to understand that there is an Assigned Doctor Field along with Approved by field, the same Medical Officer/Doctor-On-Call field for all stages (assuming A doctor has been assigned/someone diagnosing the patient).
To determine priority of ticket:
----------------- TO DO'S -----------------
[ ] Again, just like the previous stage tab, the user should be able to click and open any patient that he/she was assigned to, and be able to edit the forms
[ ] Add the following forms under "Personal Details":
Patient Report: File Format Attachment
Pre-existing disease (like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart diseases): ARRAY[STRING]
Bed/Resource Allocation/Assessment [editable]
Case history: [STRING]
Severity Assessment Report: [STRING_CHOICE]
[ ] (URGENT) Make most tickets have a standard theme (e.g. black font on white background or wtv matches with our other UX/UI designs), and flag a few tickets and make them STAND OUT (e.g. red background), because those would be for pending patients who have not been tested, or who have been tested and did not receive feedback.
[ ] (not urgent) Create confitions such that if and only if the patient is both tested-positive && received the doctor's approval, only then can the patient be moved onto the next stage ("Admission"). If doctor disapproved (Case 2), regardless of tested positive or negative, skip to "Closed case" stage. Otherwise (case 3), do nothing and wait.
[ ] (not urgent) Then if I wait long enough, as the user I will receive a new notification about the concerned patient who did not receive feedback yet within a given time frame (please refer to the green-highlighted text in user stories under "Test Result stage"). Note that these last two tasks are not urgent for now, because as long as we can move patients between stages, and as long as some tickets are flagged red, then it's fine.