Xeno69 / Domination

Domination - A MP mission for Arma 3
83 stars 36 forks source link

isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled behavior only works when player connects first time #477

Closed longtimegamer closed 1 year ago

longtimegamer commented 1 year ago

steps to reproduce:

only a server restart will fix this issue and then only for one connection for each player, same problem upon reconnect

longtimegamer commented 1 year ago

maybe the display controls are incorrectly initialized when player connects?

longtimegamer commented 1 year ago

works correctly when server property d_force_isstreamfriendlyui = 1

might be a problem with BIS function isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled

longtimegamer commented 1 year ago

fps widget was somehow being initialized

used a slightly different boolean expression and it seems to work correctly
