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Renamer broke types implement inherited interface #55

Open wmjordan opened 4 years ago

wmjordan commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug An exception Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Signature of the body and declaration in a method implementation do not match. will be thrown.

To Reproduce Use the following project and the Normal preset to reproduce the issue. ConsoleApp1.zip

Related code:

class C<TItem> : S<TItem>
    public TItem GetT(int key)=> default(TItem);
interface S<TItem> : I<int, TItem> { }
interface I<TKey, TItem> {
    TItem GetT(int key);
wmjordan commented 4 years ago

And there is a bug when renaming an abstract method which is imported from external assembly.

Please use the following project to reproduce the issue: ConsoleApp1.zip

Expected result: CanExtend method in class C should not get renamed.

Related code:

class C<TItem> : B, S<TItem>
    public TItem GetT(int key)=> default(TItem);

    public override bool CanExtend(object extendee) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();
abstract class B : System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider
    public abstract bool CanExtend(object extendee);
interface S<TItem> : I<int, TItem> { }
interface I<TKey, TItem> {
    TItem GetT(int key);
nathan-chappell commented 2 years ago

I've found one of the offending lines:


I don't know what the purpose of this line is, but when I watch it in debug I see the method signature of the target go from

  1. containing correct indices for generic parameters to
  2. replacing some generic parameters with their instantiations

When I get rid of it, the obfuscated dll works fine. I don't know if that line is actually doing anything important, but it's certainly also breaking something.