Xenon-s / ioBroker.device-reminder

Notifications at device start or end by telegram, Alexa, Whatsapp, sayit, pushover, email
MIT License
27 stars 8 forks source link

Please fix issues reported by adapter checker #396

Open mcm1957 opened 5 months ago

mcm1957 commented 5 months ago

❗ [E019] Invalid repository URL in package.json: https://github.com/xenon-s/ioBroker.device-reminder.git. Expected: git@github.com:Xenon-s/ioBroker.device-reminder.git or https://github.com/Xenon-s/ioBroker.device-reminder.git ❗ [E145] No "common.news" found for actual version 4.0.0-alpha ❗ [E125] External icon not found under URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xenon-s/ioBroker.device-reminder/main/admin/device-reminder.png ❗ [E402] Types of adapter in latest repository and in io-package.json are different "energy" !== "logic" ❗ [E422] Types of adapter in stable repository and in io-package.json are different "energy" !== "logic" ❗ [E503] "iob_npm.done" found in repo! Remove that file ❗ [E606] Current adapter version 4.0.0-alpha not found in README.md ❗ [E914] file iob_npm.done found in repository, but not found in .gitignore 👀 [W171] "common.title" is deprecated in io-package.json 👀 [W170] "common.keywords" should not contain "iobroker, adapter, smart home" io-package.json 👀 [W202] Version of package.json (4.0.0-alpha) doesn't match latest version on NPM (3.1.2)