Xenon-s / ioBroker.device-reminder

Notifications at device start or end by telegram, Alexa, Whatsapp, sayit, pushover, email
MIT License
27 stars 8 forks source link

PathNew Error! [0_userdata.0.speak-volume] doesn't exists! #398

Closed Streit187 closed 4 months ago

Streit187 commented 5 months ago

This Error comes up because I have activated Alexa Notification but not using the default data point of an Alexa device. This is why the adapter is missing the data point "speak-volume" in same path. This should at least not be an error but a warning. Maybe it would be good to have a custom notification channel in addition to Alexa, WhatsApp, Telegram and so on or the possibility to deactivate the "set volume" function maybe with giving "0" for volume.

RoboCop0815 commented 5 months ago

gleiches Probleme grafik

Xenon-s commented 4 months ago

Pls use template, thx

Streit187 commented 4 months ago

Lol @Xenon-s 👍