Xenon257R / blue-archive-rainmeter

A Blue Archive themed Rainmeter suite for your Windows desktop.
MIT License
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Every sub hub works, but Raid menu doesn't... #14

Closed rKizCora closed 6 months ago

rKizCora commented 6 months ago

To go into detail, all the # codes [#GRID#, #LSCR#, #SHOP#, #DNGN#, #QSTS#] work flawlessly either by using TrayApp or SchaleFolder, except for [#RAID#]... I wish I knew how to solve these myself but even after reinstalling the skin (after frustrations), the issue still persists (I've already tested all of the sub menus, and yea the raid menu seems to be only accessed by manually loading it).


rKizCora commented 6 months ago

one more demonstration, editing SchaleFolder manually through notepad


Xenon257R commented 6 months ago

There are quite a number of possibilities for this issue, so let's try and narrow it down to come up with a solution. But, before trying any of the guess fixes I suggest below, I'd like you to provide me one thing in case none of the guesses below are correct:

Start from a non sub-hub state, open the Rainmeter client, click Open Log and clear it. Then, press the appropriate skin to switch to the Raid List. If things had been working correctly, at least 2 lines of logging should appear like shown below: one for loading the Home Button, and another for loading the Raid List. Please provide me a screenshot of the full log that shows after you press the button (or lack thereof - 0 logs being outputted is also valuable information) like below.


I will work with the assumptions below given what you provided:

If they happen to be wrong, please correct me!

  1. Let's check if the #RAID# macro has been corrupted somehow. Check that the following lines of code are correct (spaces included/excluded in between as well as at the start and end of the lines, so be thorough!) and try using the macro again.
    • File: @Resources\template\hubswitch.inc
      • Line 6: RAID=#WRaid##UnloadHome#[!ActivateConfig "BlueArchive\List" "raidlist.ini"]
    • File: @Resources\user\hubpaths.inc
      • Line 6: WRaid=
  2. Next, check that when you enter #RAID# and activate it, the skins don't load at all or are loading but invisible. To check this, do exactly as you did in your demonstration videos, then check in your Rainmeter client and see if you can find an instance of BlueArchive\List under the Skins Tab after clicking on Open Log. If it is there, it is a rendering/layering issue, but it'll take a little more debugging to find the correct solution.
  3. Try manually entering the Rainmeter code instead of using the #RAID# macro. The code you will need to copy/paste is provided below:
    • [&HubScript:ToggleCommand("DeactivateConfig",true)][!ActivateConfig "BlueArchive\HomeButton"][!ActivateConfig "BlueArchive\List" "raidlist.ini"]
    • Note that if this method works and you roll with it, you will also manually need to append #LSCR# or #WRaid# macros in front of the code (WITHOUT spaces) to use the corresponding features as you would need them.

If any of the above worked, please tell me which one! If none of them worked, tell me as much as you can about what each method changed (or that it didn't change anything at all) so I can come up with more theories.

rKizCora commented 6 months ago
  1. Here's the demonstration with the log open. https://streamable.com/mwwzmb

  2. code is fine on hubswitch.inc, for hubpaths.inc, it has "WRaid=". I removed "", and the Raid menu finally worked! I have no idea how "" even ended up there (I never touched hubpaths.inc before this!) but it seems like that was the underlying issue... (I can't believe it's literally just one single line of code, omg) https://streamable.com/sx77hn

  3. skipped, due to problem already solved at 1.

  4. skipped, due to problem already solved at 1.

and I guess the problem solving stops here. I really appreciate the very in-depth comment of this issue! Thank you so much, and happy holidays! https://streamable.com/qie0b6