Xenon257R / blue-archive-rainmeter

A Blue Archive themed Rainmeter suite for your Windows desktop.
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YouTube Bubble may not be working for some people #3

Closed Xenon257R closed 1 year ago

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

Some users have reported that the YouTube Bubble skin never leaves the "connecting..." status and is perpetually stuck. Their Skin log looks something like the following:

[IconDownloadModule] - URL is empty
[IconModule] - RegExp matching error (-1)

With the [IconModule], being the lower message, the source of the issue.

This has been determined to be a YouTube consent redirect/pop-up - users with this issue should add the following line: Debug=2 under the Meter [IconModule] and refresh the skin, which will generate a file WebParserDump.txt in the YouTubeBubble directory. If the contents of that file contain the string https://www.consent.youtube.com, this is 100% your issue.

To the best of my knowledge, this is not resolvable from the Rainmeter side - you will have to change something about your browser to blacklist that redirect/pop-up so that the skin can connect to the resource. If anyone else has encountered this issue and has found a solution, please notify me in this thread.

A patch will be shipped in the next release that will handle this issue by escaping the download sequence when it encounters the consent request. This will skip the step of grabbing a YouTube channel icon entirely, allowing the rest of the skin to work normally.