Xenon257R / blue-archive-rainmeter

A Blue Archive themed Rainmeter suite for your Windows desktop.
MIT License
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Note not working #9

Closed ramagosumt closed 1 year ago

ramagosumt commented 1 year ago

I deleted the first note "TODO". Now the Note thing always shows "No file found" even though I added more files in the databases. What should I do? image

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

Hmm, this issue is quite puzzling. If the root of this issue is similar to #10 that you posted as well, this could possibly an installation directory issue and Rainmeter not being able to read/write to the files correctly. I will work of the assumption that everything else that you haven't mentioned seems to be working properly (correct this if I'm wrong), and with that I think it's likely because both the Phone and Notes skin are nested under a subdirectory of SideApps, and that is messing with something.

To start, I want to first rule out a possibility: check that your parent Skins\ folder is NOT in a cloud-based directory such as OneDrive as they have a very strong history of not working kindly with Rainmeter in a multitude of ways. As seen with Issue #5, all of the user's Lua scripts straight up broke just because of that. You may be suffering from the same issue, just with a different type of error. If this was indeed the case, simply follow the guide I outlined in that issues thread and see if that solution works for you.

If the above isn't the case, I would like to know if you were able to use Edit Database for the TrayApps as they are ALSO nested in a directory. Maybe try Enable/Disable Shine as well, and see if toggling that option makes it so that the app shows a shine animation when you hover over it with your mouse afterwards. If they also fail to work, then the issue is almost certainly localized to subdirectory skins. This is instead a FULL certainty if EVERYTHING ELSE is freely customizable aside from the Phone, Notes and TrayApps + MusicApp. Things like the Eyedropper tool may break as well, but this will require further investigation.

While you help confirm/disprove these possible reasons, I'll try and see if I can think of a possible solution, as this is a very peculiar bug I cannot seem to reproduce.

ramagosumt commented 1 year ago

I did realize that all of my Rainmeter folders and files were in my OneDrive. Should I get all of them into a new place? Most of them worked nicely but several features such as Note, Momoapp, and now the TrayApp broke.

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

Yes, if your Rainmeter files - especially the \Skins folder - is currently located in a cloud-based directory, it is best to move it to a new directory that isn't one. As I mentioned, Rainmeter is VERY wishy-washy with what works and what breaks with things like OneDrive so its best to never mix the two whenever possible.

To move your files safely and thoroughly, follow the steps I quoted on a similar issue here from a step-by-step guide outlined by balala from the Rainmeter forums. Once done, your issue should be resolved. If a few minor things remain broken because of the changes you attempted to make while the files were still in the cloud directory, it might be best to fully delete the \BlueArchive folder in \Skins (don't forget to make sure it has been correctly relocated to a non-cloud directory) and start your setup anew with a fresh reinstall with the .rmskin package.

If not, I suggest you do a full re-install of Rainmeter in a non-cloud directory before confirming that the issue still remains.

Let me know if everything turned out okay!

ramagosumt commented 1 year ago

Okay, so at this moment, I have already done

  1. Change the Skins into my other drive then reload
  2. Re-install the .rmskin file
  3. Re-install Rainmeter
  4. I realized that in both installs Rainmeter set my Skins default path as the Document in OneDrive although I directly set the app path in another place.

The second time, I tried not to delete the TODO Note, and other notes working fine so I thought this is a bug or something

However, the Momotalk and TrayApp still didn't work: I couldn't change either of their parameters (eg. When I changed "Display Name" from "Momotalk" to "Messenger" and pressed Enter, it stayed the same as "Momotalk" afterward.)

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

Okay, so now we should rule out cloud directories being an issue, as it looks like even after you changed your \Skins path to a new non-cloud place it still is broken. The Note is very peculiar; maybe you should Disable the default TODO in the options instead of deleting the entry and you can make it behave the way you want with the rest being your own custom entries. Why this has to be the solution, I can't quite figure out the reason.

As for the apps, there is good news and bad news - the bad news is that I can't think of any explanation for their behavior, and the only consistency between them is that they are in subdirectories. Perhaps it has to do with your OS being Windows 11? I have only been able to test this for Windows 10, so that singular difference may be the one cause the issue for whatever reason.

Before getting to the good news part, I want one last thing - right before you re-attempt to change your settings, open the Rainmeter client and navigate to the Log tab. You can do so by clicking the Rainmeter icon in the Options tray at the top right, and clicking on the Show Log button in the bottom right section of the client window. You should now be at a window that looks like below. image

Keep that window open, and try to change the settings like you did before. If the issue is caught by Rainmeter, it may be producing error logs - and if that is the case, I would like to see them. Some error logs may get extremely long, so you might have to maximize the window and narrow the Time and Type Columns and expand the Message column so everything's visible for me. If the strings are STILL too long, just right click on the long message(s) and Copy + Paste them into a .txt file or just a comment here and get it to me.

Now, onto the good news: right now, the only things breaking are editing UIs, which we can completely walk around! If you are willing to edit .inc files directly, you can make these changes to the files themselves instead of using the UIs. So, instead of clicking on Rewire App/Change Social App, select the option Edit Skin.

This may look daunting at first, but rest assured you will not be changing anything beyond [Variables], and you will be entering the exact same parameters as you would've in the UIs. So, when the configuration files are open for editing, find the [Variables] header and change the appropriate variables:

Once you get back to me the screenshot/.txt file/message dump of the error logs that gets spit out when you try and change things via the UI, I will (hopefully) be able to give an alternative answer that allows you to use the UI if that is still your preferred way of changing things. Until then, the solution I provided above will be your best bet moving forward by walking around the issue.

ramagosumt commented 1 year ago


Okay, so it turned out that the error was pretty short: "Illegal path: B:\Rainmeter".

Then I started browsing the directories, I realized that Rainmeter was installed in my A drive as "A:\Rainmeter" and the skin was "B:\Rainmeter Skins". I did change the Skin Path to "SkinPath=B:\Rainmeter Skins" before all of everything within the log happened too.

What can I do now?

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

If what I'm reading is correct, this should be an easy fix: are you sure you wrote your \Skins directory correctly? There's a difference between:

  1. B:\Rainmeter Skins
  2. B:\Rainmeter\Skins

B:\Rainmeter Skins

This means you have a directory named Rainmeter Skins in your B: drive. If this is correct: the error log cuts off after Rainmeter because of the space (`) as it is treated as a delimiter, so it assumed that the full filepath toSkinsended atB:\Rainmeter(which it isn't), andSkinsis an additional parameter to be used by the code. If1.is ACTUALLY yourSkins` directory or your correct filepath has any spaces whatsoever, try enclosing your entire filepath in quotations to specify that the spaces are in fact a part of the filepath and not a delimiter.

Alternatively, I recommend NOT using spaces in file/folder names, at least for this particular case. Spaces are widely used as a delimiter for code, and it is one of the reasons why underscore (_) is such a valuable character in computing. Renaming the folder to RainmeterSkins or Rainmeter_Skins (and updating the SkinPath variable appropriately) should also fix the problem if you fancy this solution instead.


This means you have a directory named Rainmeter in your B: drive, with a subdirectory in it named Skins. This is typically how the Rainmeter installation structures it by default in the Documents folder unless you moved folders around or changed the installation settings. In the case this is correct, substituting the space with \ should fix your problem.

Hope I identified the issue correctly; let me know if either solution fixed it!

ramagosumt commented 1 year ago


Hey, I finally did it after changing things similar to the first solution! Thank you for helping me out with this.

Xenon257R commented 1 year ago

No problem! Your desktop looks really nice with all those custom icons and the Arona wallpaper! Enjoy the suite!