XenorPLxx / Neon

Theme for Playnite Desktop Mode.
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

Request for collaboration and maintenance regarding the fork #13

Closed darklinkpower closed 10 months ago

darklinkpower commented 10 months ago

I hope this message finds you well. First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your interest in the "Helium" theme and for the time and effort you've invested in creating the fork.

I wanted to reach out to discuss a matter that has been on my mind for a while. I've noticed that your fork, "Helium Enhanced Grid Mod," was created around two years ago and hasn't been regularly updated to incorporate the bug fixes, changes, and improvements that I've made in the original theme during this time. Also I believe this situation has created some confusion among users, as the "Enhanced" text in the fork's name might lead them to believe it's an improved version over the original.

My concern is not just about maintaining the original theme but also ensuring that users have the best experience possible. Having multiple versions of the theme can lead to inconsistencies and missed features that would be beneficial to everyone. For example, in this time multiple fixes and new fields have been added, including games Install Size, games Installation Folder button and many others, and I have as well added support for countless available community extensions. I've also had multiple instances of people having issues with Helium and it has turned out that it was an issue only in this fork.

I would like to propose the idea of consolidating the efforts and encouraging users to use the original "Helium" theme. By doing so, we can ensure that all users are benefiting from the most up-to-date and feature-rich version. I believe this approach can lead to a better user experience and streamline maintenance efforts.

Additionally, I'd like to share that since then I have created an extension to use the layout on Details View in Grid View, which I believe was the original purpose of this fork, which can be seen here: https://playnite.link/addons.html#ThemesDetailsViewToGridViewConverter_ef8a7226-eedc-478d-a506-92ee6c088aa3

I'm open to discussing how we can collaborate on maintaining and improving the "Helium" theme if that's something you'd be interested in. Personally I have no problem if people modify the themes that I work on to better fit the preferences and I'm only reaching out to you to share my thoughts regarding the matter but I will understand and respect your decision.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my proposal, and I look forward to hearing from you.

XenorPLxx commented 10 months ago


This message found me in the morning before my coffee :).

I like the simplicity of the theme mod I've done, and I'm using it since its creation all these 2 YEARS AGO? Sheez time flies.

I am aware that Helium and your other themes now can generate GridView with the converter, and new users should be most probably pointed towards this solution.

At the time, I was following the naming of a different 'Enhanced Grid View Mod' theme, but I can see how it can be viewed as 'Helium Enhanced' instead of 'Helium - Enhanced Grid'. To avoid any extra work and confusion this modded theme created, I'll rename the theme to something unrelated and add a note pointing that there's a different, most likely better solution to achieve what this theme was set to achieve.

At the same time, I'm good with what I have here, and since the GridViewConverter was created I don't have anything to 'give back' to the original project.

darklinkpower commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I appreciate the swift response and respect your decision of keeping the fork available separately and I hope me contacting you didn't pose any issues or inconveniences for you.

I see you renamed the entry in the addons database and if you have the chance sometime I think it would also be a good idea to also rename it here in the manifest and release a quick update to also reflect this name change in Playnite itself.

XenorPLxx commented 10 months ago

I've updated the manifest and swapped the release package in place so every new download gets the theme with the new name, but you're right, I'll push an update just to get rid of the old name entirely.

XenorPLxx commented 10 months ago

I've released a new, renamed, version. Shouldn't be an issue anymore.