Xeon3D / PrecisionMx800-Hackintosh

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There is a direct connection from MXM card to eDP panel #3

Open bestbai opened 3 years ago

bestbai commented 3 years ago

See the schematic on page 30,17. 8 LVDS_EDP_TX lines (JLVDS1) connect to MXM_EDP_TX via 8 2@capacitors, not connect to SW_LVDS_B because 1@resistors not exist on QHD edition. MXM_EDP_TX come from DP_D of MXM card. The DRIVER cannot open DP_D or open it as eDP. Driving eDP also requires MXM_ENVDD, MXM_PANEL_BKEN.... Hope it works.

Xeon3D commented 2 years ago

Erm, so... what you mean is...?